Kelic the Wanderer

Kelic Wanderer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 30th Dec, 2017 - 5:13am

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29th Dec, 2017 - 8:38pm / Post ID: #

Kelic the Wanderer

I am Kelic and I was given this name because of my fathers father carrying the same name. I stand 5' 8'' tall with a lithe body. I have black hair with white streaks from magic usage. I have alert green blue eyes. My lightly tanned skin and a kindly appearance in general makes me unique. I see myself as one who follows both paths of a magic user and a mage. My chaotic neutral balance makes me unfit to call myself a paladin, instead I prefer war-mage. I want to achieve greatness one day, but first I must start somewhere by starting a trade in magic work or doing something magic based so I can afford to eat. I generally view alliances as uneasy things, as people are often unclear on their own goals. I intend to do many quests across this land, to gain both fame and fortune, and eventually become the next Ruler of Kings. It should be known that if betrayals on the terms of an alliance are viewed, or any other possible slight, I tend to return this betrayal in kind. Thus, I now start this path towards the unknown to train, travel, trade, and learn all I can before I announce my goals for the sword of the ruler of kings.

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29th Dec, 2017 - 9:20pm / Post ID: #

Wanderer Kelic

Advisor Description

Arthur was a soldier who worked with my father. It wasn't until my mother died that he received the letter requesting he watch over me and help guide me on my journey. He knew me as a young boy, and had other choice opportunities presented before him, but he remembered me with fondness and decided he owed it to my father. When he arrived in town not long after me he observed me for a while before confronting me. I am sure it was to reinforce his choice and strengthen his resolve. He approached me in the tavern when I was tired from training as a bodyguard. "I am surprised you decided that career path, you seemed to be fascinated with magic as a child." He said. "Greetings Arthur," me having recognized him from both his look and his armor, "I was going to be a magic user yes, but the choice wasn't initially open to me when I arrived here." He nodded before replying "that makes sense, you'd be a piss poor choice for a soldier, stick to what your good at and you'll be just fine." I look at him shocked at his words "Now hold on, I'm doing the best I can with the choices I'm given! Did you come here to insult me?" Me having grown unaccustomed to his bluntness and never on the receiving end. In reply he held up his hands in an appeasing gesture. "I meant no offence, and if anything it was a complement for you recognizing the folly of such a profession, I am in fact here to help." He pulled out his letter and showed me. We spent the rest of the evening discussion the letter, trying to determine the sender, and figuring out how we could benefit each-other. Myself trying to determine how he would benefit me and what gains I could get with him present, and him, on whether or not he should see how things play out, or if he regretted turning down more profitable career decisions to aid me. At the end we shook hands, and he said he'll see me tomorrow. His decision being made up, myself seeing the benefit of someone with to confide. I am still unsure how to use him, but as long as he stays true to his words he could benefit me greatly in someway I'm sure.

30th Dec, 2017 - 1:45am / Post ID: #

Kelic the Wanderer Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Most beautiful lady of Kelic

Beautiful. How else to describe perfection but in the simplest of terms? She was smart, it seems as one could plainly see from her hair and glasses. Nothing is more attractive nor dangerous as a smart women. She also had charisma, as I could tell by her expression and posture. She is clearly a very dangerous women. And danger, like intelligence, is very attractive.... And libel to get me killed. I have to have her, or her me, whichever the case may be. Oh think of the trouble we could cause, and the fun to be had! What a pair, and who would dare stand against such a perfect mashing of wits and flesh.

30th Dec, 2017 - 5:13am / Post ID: #

Wanderer Kelic

Why Am I Kelic?

I don't think of myself as bad, child, only human. Does not every man have goals? I look out for those with me and defend against those against. Does not everyman do this? I may defend a slight more aggressive then most, but that's to prevent future slights. Does wanting to be safe and defending my own make me bad? If so, then who is good? Who was it that called his opponent bad and set the standard? Was he then good? If so then 'good' and 'bad' just depends on which man you ask in any conflict. Just like right and wrong.

> TOPIC: Kelic the Wanderer


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