If you could be any video game character in real life which video game character would you want to be and why? Do you think people would accept you as 'their' hero?
I gotta go with Batman. He may not have started as a video game character, but I think he's been in enough of them to qualify.
Don't think I'd stick around being all gloomy in Gotham though. Frankly, someone with those skills would do more good on the move. Not much point in beating up random thugs when one could be busy irrevocably destroying North Korea's ICBM program for instance.
I would perhaps say Zia from the game Mages of Mystralia, given the heavy focus on magic. Especially in how you can craft your spells in a way that is both versatile and utilitarian not only powerful.
There are also a few characters from Soul Calibur I would like to perhaps be, such as Siegfried Schtauffen and Hildegard von Krone, so that is another consideration.
Edited: Thomaslee on 27th May, 2017 - 6:45pm
If I can't be Megaman, then I would say Cloud or Yuna from the Final Fantasy series. For one I would love to be able to summon powerful beings to help out the world around me. Two, Magic is fun and I totally believe it can exist. I don't know but I will do my best to be liked and not harm innocence.
How would that be more the original Lara Croft or the rebooted/reimagined version of her that was created more recently? There is a fair bit of difference, with I feel the original being more interesting and even badass.
Edited: Thomaslee on 23rd Jun, 2017 - 1:50am