What do you know about flirting to give some pointers to someone who is interested in another? What are some places or situations one must never flirt?
I'm a terrible flirt… terrible in the sense that I do it often. I think flirting either comes naturally, or it doesn't. There aren't tips to give since you have to be able to feel the situation and know when the right time is. But there are times not to flirt. I don't flirt at Church… that is an all the time no go for me. I only flirt at work with people I know very well and in all of those cases it's flirting for the fun of it, not to lead to anything. I have a hard and fast no dating those I work with rule. There are other somber events where I wouldn't flirt either, like a funeral.
Flirting has to look natural as Ninja mentioned. If it doesn't it looks forced or scripted which is a big turnoff. Some people can do this and others are incredibly awkward at it. People that are bad at flirting are usually limited at dating prospects because it is necessary to begin a dating relationship. I try to be nice and not laugh at guys trying bad pickup lines.
I am a natural flirt. I have never used a corny pick up line on any girl before. I think most of them are very comical. I Usually just go up to and start talking to people. If they do not run away screaming I feel I am doing ok. Most just turn around and walk away from me *smile*.
I'll tell you, it's a hard thing to just go up to someone and start talking. It's harder still when it's someone of a different sex. When I was young, say early high school, I had a hard time doing it. Then one day I realized it wasn't going to hurt, I might get rejected but if I didn't let the person I wanted to ask out know then I'd definitely not get a date. Once I started I realized I was kind of a flirt. Now, flirting is an art and you have to practice it a bit… but it can certainly open the door.