Queen, stands 4feet 10/inches tall with a skinny body. Queen has black hair with big round green eyes. Queen has brown skin and a pretty and well-kept appearance in general. Queen has chosen to become the princess that she can be, by first starting a trade in courtship.. Queen views alliances as people who can help her succeed during her journey.. Queen intends to do what evey she needs to be successful in this game. She plans to take advantage of any help she is offered, and also she plans to help other players as well. She is a selfless, who always looks out for other people. In order to become the next Ruler of Kings.
Advisor Description
I met my adviser at a town feast. She walked up to me, and didn't much. I felt awkward at first, but after talking to her for a while, I felt more at ease. Considering my goals and expectations, I see this relationship going quit well. I am hopeful that they will be the person that I come to for advice, and help at certain points during the game. I also want to become one of my best friends on this journey. I hope to learn a lot from them, as time progresses.