Mountain honey bees have ancient adaptation for high-altitude foraging. Mountain-dwelling East African honey bees have distinct genetic variations compared to their savannah relatives that likely help them to survive at high altitudes, report researchers. Ref. Source 4t.
Learning how bees and other insets adopt to different environments goes a long ways into helping us understand how we can adopt and change to different climates and environments. The fact that we can adopt and change in a few generations to be so different but exactly alike at the same time shows just how fascinating the human body really is.
The amount of pesticides and insecticides that our farmers and other agriculture areas are sing on plants is what is killing off our bees. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure that out. The areas where the honey bees are thriving are in places that have some bans and limited usage of such chemicals. Can the information they gain from these bees help? Yes it can but what we really need to do is use natural things to limit insects and other pests from invading our crops.
I heard they tested bees and they don't think it's the pesticides that is killing them off. They aren't sure what it is. They have been talking about some disease that makes them lose their way home… but they don't know what started it all. The bottom line, if this can help it'll be a good thing.