Mauritius Jehovah's Witnesses
Discussion about Jehovah's Witnesses in Mauritius.
How popular are Jehovah's Witnesses in Mauritius?
Where are the most common places that members normally go for Kingdom Hall Services - Mauritius Jehovah Witness in Mauritius?
Who are most recognized local Jehovah's Witnesses?
Are there any established religious laws that regulate Mauritius Jehovah's Witnesses?
Name: Malcolm
Title: Nearest Kingdom Hall
Comments: Hi I am from England staying at Lux Le Morne hotel. I am on my own and would love to go to a meeting at a Kingdom Hall during my visit to Mauritius. Unfortunately I do not know where the nearest one is and if it is too far away for me to get to. So could someone please tell me the nearest address of the Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses to Lux Le Morne. Thank you.