You are spot on here. I know this sounds like the grossest invasion of privacy, but we have enemies' intent on killing doing us as much harm as possible. If they could sneak a nuke in the US they would in a second. So, we need to find the right balance of what information we gather from people trying to come here and what information we don't. Being someone who spent his life defending America and Americans, I tend to err on the side of caution when we are talking the privacy of non-Americans who want to come here.
There is a lot of stuff in todays age that makes it hard to and at the same time easy to do. Just knowing that people have a social media can make it easy to see what they are doing on the social media to see if they may be wanting to come here to cause harm. IN the same token I know that many government people are probably scouring social media to root out home grown terrorists. This is something that is on going and changing with the times. I think asking for social media names and passwords is going a bit far but I understand the reason. I would not travel to any country asking that myself but I am one that is happy where I am for now. I am sure as time goes on this will change.
Now, see, that's a big problem.
So far, no one, not even those willing to defend this measure, is willing to go to a country that has such a policy. We stand to lose a hell of a lot economically and socially if that is at all reciprocated.
I have extremely high doubts it would help in any case.
Yes, I agree with your assessment. But due to who I am, what I know, and what I've done for the majority of my life I tend to err on the side of caution. I would hate for one bad guy to get in and cause harm to this country. The good thing is, I'm not in a position of power. And the truth is, if I was it might alter my POV. I'd definitely look for other options. But I'm with KN, I wouldn't do it because there isn't a place I want to go to badly enough, there is plenty to do and see here.