"Global Disruption" More Accurately Describes Climate Change, Not "Global Warming" - Leading Scientist John Holdren
Leading scientist John Holdren says "global warming" is not the correct term to use; he prefers "global disruption." "'Global warming' [is] misleading. It implies something that's mainly about temperature, that's gradual, and that's uniform across the planet," says Holdren. "In fact, temperature is only one of the things that's changing. It's a sort of an index of the state of the climate. The whole climate is changing: the winds, the ocean currents, the storm patterns, snow packs, snowmelt, flooding, droughts. Temperature is just a bit of it."
Ref. https://www.democracynow.org/2008/7/3/globa...more_accurately
This makes me wonder if the poles are going to shift? I know this has happened in the past. I think it will explains some of the stuff that is happening that can not attributed to the concept of global warming. I wonder what caused the poles to shift the other times?
Rising sea levels will boost moderate floods in some areas, severe floods in others. Sea-level rise over the next 50 to 100 years will lead to moderate coastal flooding in regions already prone to floods, but to more severe flooding in regions where such floods are currently rare, suggests new research. Source 9k.