I think this study has something to do with the new generations not wanting one to be above another and everything all equal if you win or lose. That being said I disagree with this and if you win smile be happy. Make those that lost strive to do better and try harder to be the winners. Someone has to win and someone has to lose that is the real world get used to it cupcake.
You may very well be right and I didn't think about the generation thing. There does seem to be an inordinate amount of time spent lately caring about everyone's feelings and not hurting them with micro-aggressions. What the heck are they? My goodness, when these poor kids get out in the world and their boss fires them because they didn't do good enough they are going to be devastated. I fear we are raising generations of pansies… was that a micro-aggression?
Yes I have already seen the effects of some of these 20 year olds getting fired because they were not working or sitting on their phones at work doing nothing or even not showing up to work on time if at all then looked surprised when they were fired. Hello it is a job that means you actually have to do something to get paid.