Rahvan the Magician

Rahvan Magician - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 19th Jun, 2017 - 3:08am

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16th Jun, 2017 - 10:09am / Post ID: #

Rahvan the Magician

Its been a little over a month since I have set forth upon the roads of my fate and yet my mothers death still lingers deep within my mind. Had I studied more, had I been more aware, perhaps I would have seen the signs that culminated in her death. I am however not without purpose as her life felt somehow shaped in design so that I could continue.

In some morbid way I am grateful for the opportunity to strike out on my own but not at the expense of a loved one. I feel I will be haunted for sometime while I attempt to reconcile my life at this point.

I have yet to understand this strange connection I discovered years ago that I have with nature. I never spoke to anyone about it for fear I had become something unnatural. The fear of being deemed a heretic or some conjurer of the dark arts was not something I wanted to befall my mother or others around me. These gifts however strange are apart of me now and I will continue to nurture them and see where it will take me.

In accordance to my mothers wishes I have cultivated my body and mind, perhaps not as much as she may have wanted. On many a night, I found myself sneaking out to test the limits of my arcane talents only to find out how much sleep I lost over it. I can only now wonder how my life would have turned out if my mother knew of my inner talents.

My name it seems was the only gift my father has given me, as I have not seen hide or hair of him since my birth. If he yet lives fighting in his war or had fallen years ago, then no one has yet to inform me of this tragedy.

I mustnt ponder to deeply on my past as much of my life has yet to unfold, for good or for ill. With only a small pouch of coins left in my care I must be wary of not only carelessness but also the unseen hubris of scoundrels and scam makers that would take advantage of my inexperience.

I will take heart my lessons and teachings of those that forged my beginnings and make right with the world however broken it has become.

For now I must look for work, if I am to survive. I cannot expect to live on handouts or through begging. While I cannot be picky on where my road will take me, I will make an endeavor to find something that would suit my interests.

Perhaps a bookbinder or an herbalist is in need of a good pair of hands. Today I shall find out.

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16th Jun, 2017 - 3:15pm / Post ID: #

Magician Rahvan

Advisor Description

There is something to be said about holy men. While I myself was not in favor of following the gods, I knew there were those that would dedicate their lives to it. Something about their servitude, that made me feel more like a member of a flock of sheep.

I often had to keep my tongue in check for there were those of the cloth that took great offense from those that scoffed and mocked openly at their livelihood. Even a small debate would be cause for a slight against them. To even insinuate an argument would be to challenge the gods themselves.

Then there was this guy who simply walked up and spoke to me as if he knew me on the streets of the town. He greeted himself politely and I smiled in kind for I had no malice against him or his way of life.

Jacobs priestly robes and small frame told me enough about him that I had neither quarrel nor interest in his religious contrivance. But yet, there he was, smiling away as if I knew him in kind and that I had business with him on matters I knew not what.

When he spoke his voice was calm and kind and be began his story about my mother as if he knew her well. And it seemed, as he knew much of my childhood save for my arcane talents.

He welcomed me to the town and offered to provide me advice, should I need it, on any topic great or small. I probably stood there looking like a fool to him, watching him as I nodded waiting for him to start preaching about the gods. But he did not. It was as if he was just a kind person offering a helping hand. Not once did he speak of the gods or their desires onto me.

I found myself wanting to trust him and to believe in his words, but I had to steel myself, for I knew there were those that would seek out my gullibility, only to take my virtue or what little coin I had.

When he finished speaking he apologized kindly for interrupting my day and off he went. I could see a hidden wisdom in the man that I was sure few could notice and if the time was right I would take him up on his offer of advice and seek him out at the temple.

17th Jun, 2017 - 7:54am / Post ID: #

Rahvan the Magician Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections on your mother

Already I have spent a few days in the town and while I have met my fair share of shady folk there have been a few that have been very kind. Some have been able to stop for a stranger to provide directions and some information about the on-goings of the people.

The lessons taught by my mother have guided me well. I can only wonder the people in her life that shaped her past and allowed my future to become so blessed. Though she is gone from my life I still feel she is still alive, somewhere else as if in another town awaiting my return. I guess it will take time for me to realize her departure from this world is permanent.

I managed to land myself a small position as a cook in the tavern. While it was not my first choice, my mother did teach me how to manage the makings of a meal or two. She was adamant that I should not rely on a comely woman for my meals. As a man I need to stand as an example for others and to do that I need to know how to fend for myself.

With what little money I had saved and what little I had earned as a part time cook, I managed to purchase a small abode for myself. It is rather sparse but it is a roof over my head and it does have a bed. It will serve me well when the winter chill comes.

I will need to continue to earn what little money I muster so that I can purchase other needs for my life; skills, books, knowledge of the land and in time dive deeper into the realm of magick.

The priest known as Jacob approached me once more and asked how I had been doing. While he was still a stranger to me, he behaved as if we knew each other for many years. He spoke of a greater destiny for me as if the gods themselves told him this. From him I gleamed the knowledge of important skills I would need to learn and where in the town I could go to learn them. He spoke of a magical familiar that I could acquire should I have need of such a beast.

He also spoke of quests, assignments and odd jobs that could help if I needed them. With paper, ink and quill I quickly wrote down this information, should I have a lapse in memory later. How he knew of my past and what he knew of my mother is not yet clear. With how he has been helping me, I feel asking him would be very abrasive and he could take offense to it. I will give it some time before I pry into his connection of my past.

17th Jun, 2017 - 6:38pm / Post ID: #

Magician Rahvan

Message to Advisor

Jacob, this vest you have given me is a thing of magic and wonder. I find myself pondering on its function more so than the fact that it works. Such a gift I find myself almost unable to accept and yet what little help I can get these days is a welcomed sight.

I find myself bringing grim news to you concerning my day. While it is true that I was able to secure myself an abode and earn me a small amount of coin cooking part time at the tavern, I took it upon myself to venture out into the town to discover more of what little I knew.

I explored many an establishment with all manner of folk ready to take my coin for their wares and services. But then I came across one place that was run by a strange woman in all manners of context by the name of Lady Fluke. Instead of coin she was interested in something she called Pretty Pebbles. She regarded them as her own currency as no other place in town would honor such a base substance.

For my first time introducing myself to her she offered to open up an account with me in order to save and earn these pretty pebbles. As a reward she had given me just one of them. With it, I spent it to allow her to grant me a skill through magical means that would allow me to run with greater haste than before. Such a skill I felt was needed should I come across a situation that required me to avoid dangerous men or beasts.

In my confidence, I inquired about any tasks she may have for me and she was very welcoming in explaining that she had tasks for all manner of newcomers. In my lack of foresight I took her up on this and she asked me to swear not to divulge what she was going to show me. After agreeing and leading me elsewhere, I started my task.

Without going into to much detail I found myself trying to answer a riddle that was not a riddle, pertaining to information I had not the answer for. As reward some of my coin had been taken. In my frustration I decided to leave only to come across a dog sized rat. Realizing that I had not armor nor a weapon, I tried my best to slay the beast. While I was victorious against one, another had quickly taken its place and in turn showed my no quarter.

Death is not something I would calm to have enjoyed and being of sound mind and body I knew ahead of time such a thing was not for me, yet there I was felled by a beast that was lesser than me, yet enough sense to teach me a great lesson had I remained alive.

Be it fate or the hidden magic that lay dormant in me, a being as fearsome as death itself approached me and spoke. While I could not clearly remember his words he was clear in his intent. Lost between two worlds the being offered me a choice for my spirit could not linger forever within the abyss. I could pass on into the afterlife and forgo the mortal world and whatever destiny that laid before me or return for a small price.

Without hesitation I requested that I return without truly understanding what that price was. The next thing I knew I found myself waking up in an alleyway far from my original location. I could already hear the people in the streets whisper my name secretly to themselves about my death and strange return. No doubt such whispers would devalue my reputation.

Once I recovered from my otherworldly journey I discovered the price the reaper had taken in exchange for my life. A part of my soul was diminished from its once complete whole.

I traveled to back to my abode to rest, contemplating whether or not my soul was worth my life, considering how reckless I was with it. In hindsight I should have purchased arms and armor for whatever I was to face, be it rat dogs or a customer in need of a good meal.

After resting I discovered that the same Lady Fluke that sent me on my way could also have the ability to restore my lost soul fragment. However she required pretty pebbles and to get those I needed to complete more tasks for her. Death truly is a great teacher.

At this point I will play the long game and secure my wealth through time and effort as I had done in the past. High risk for high reward is not a gamble I can afford if I am to become a ruler of kings.

19th Jun, 2017 - 2:32am / Post ID: #

Magician Rahvan

Reflections on your father

As I continue to chronicle my deeds and machinations, I feel the need to add a little something to my journal. Something that had been bothering me for some time yet I felt neither the time nor the inclination to form words around it.

While it was true that I was raised by my mother, she was not alone in this endeavor. It is said that parents may make a child but it takes a village to raise it. This is true in many regards including me.

In my younger days I had my inspirations and my heroes that I would look up to and want to emulate; The strong man at the circus, the captain of the guard, The wise-men of the Dragon Lyceum. I would seek out these people for at the time I had no father that could impart on me his wisdom and ideas.

All that he left was my name. While my mother honored his wishes, I grew and carried this name as a banner in his honor but it felt hollow inside, as if all of my trials and tribulations fell short to a ghost that I would never know nor watch as I made my name into the world.

There were days I hated him, despite the fact that I didnt know him. I felt alone in this emotion, as I did not want to share my discontent to my mother. She loved him dearly even to the day she died. Another reason to despise him for he was not even around to see her final hours pass.

Whatever questions I asked about him culminated to the same idea. He was strong, wise and very brave. Many people apparently knew him and of him, except me. My mother was the only one that had a deeper connection to the man than anyone else and yet all I saw was a shadow behind her eyes.

I spend many days in bed pondering what words I would share with him should our paths cross. Would my anger and spite will my body into a rage so that I could stab at him with dagger in hand? Or would I break and fall to my knees weeping as a newborn unable to contain my frustrations, as the dams of my soul would crack and break?

Would I have any emotion at all and simply pass him by as if he were yet another stranger to me?

I feel as if I am still to young to ponder these deep feelings, as I have little to no worldly experience in order to deal with such things. Perhaps in my later years when I grow to be the man I wish to be and have a child, I would be around long enough to share upon my kin all the things that were denied me when I was young.

If I am to find out that the man that helped give me life is now dead in this world and lingers about my presence as a ghost, to this I shall give him this:

Know that I am not you. Know that I am destined for things you could not dream of. I am not your legacy. I am my own.

19th Jun, 2017 - 3:08am / Post ID: #

Rahvan the Magician

Message to Advisor

As yet another day passes by, I have continued to be diligent in my efforts. I can slowly see my progress as I continue onward. Very little has happened since I spoke to you last and for good reason. After my untimely death and wondrous return, my focus has been ever more razor sharp.

I purposely avoid vices that have no bearing in my life. I continue to the work at the local tavern cooking part time. While I don't think I am getting better at the skill, I feel more comfortable at it.

Just recently I discovered a locale in town that others go to in order to become more fit. For a small fee, I found myself exercising the gift Lady Fluke had given me for her pebble. After work, I head to the tracks and run for an hour each day. This may not seem like much now but this will help build not only my body but my lost confidence as well.

I also continue to amass my wealth one gold coin at a time from my work at the tavern. Soon I will have enough to purchase some arms and armor. This however will not be enough. I will need to learn how to use such armaments and this will take some time as well. It seems this will be a slow process and not one I thought would blossom over night.

To this effect, I have periodically tapped into the lines of my hidden gifts and altered my stamina so a small degree. From this I am able to find the energy to work harder and longer within a day then previously thought. This does however not come without a cost. Altering the lines of magick has caused me to age slightly faster. While not very noticeable on the outside I do feel it on the inside.

I use my gifts sparingly so as not to conjure an outcome that I cannot recover from. I am in no hurry at the moment, as I am still a young man in an old world. Experience and wisdom are not something that can be rushed. I must savor them and absorb them, less I find myself knocking once more at deaths door.

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