Artistic Goals 2017

Artistic Goals 2017 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 17th Jun, 2017 - 2:10am

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Post Date: 24th Dec, 2016 - 11:56pm / Post ID: #

Artistic Goals 2017

Artistic 2017 Goals

What are some of your Artistic goals for the new year 2017?

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Post Date: 13th Jan, 2017 - 5:22am / Post ID: #

Artistic Goals 2017
A Friend

Goals Artistic

Well, I am [personally] a sketch artist, and most of the stuff I draw is fantasy or [Lovecraft] art drawn with a pencil, ballpoint pen, or both. Personally, I'd like to improve my ability to draw human forms and anatomy, which I tend to struggle with as opposed to the typically [bizarre] or inhuman things I draw. I'd also like to improve my shading techniques, I still feel like I never quite get the lighting and shading the way it should be - so I'll be working alot with cross-hatching, to see if I can bring some more realism into my drawings. And as a video game developer, I would like to grow more adept and converting my [drawing] into image files, and actually drawing using a computer, both of which I am sadly lacking in. If I am successful with these things, I'd like to start drawing and independent comic/web comic, and maybe make enough of a name for myself that I can do art for a proper comic - comics are what really brought me into trying to draw well, and have contributed alot of what I know, since I constantly draw character or images from TMNT, Hack/Slash, or Batman.

17th Jun, 2017 - 2:10am / Post ID: #

Artistic Goals 2017 UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

I draw and paint. This year, I want to learn to paint like I draw. I really like my drawings, they are landscapes but not in any tangible way. I get lots of compliments with my drawings, not so much with my paintings. I would like to mirror but not completely, these two medias.

> TOPIC: Artistic Goals 2017


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