How ticks get a proper foothold: Scientists examine how ticks cling on to surfaces. Ticks spend more than 90 percent of their up to three-year-long life starving and clambering around in leaf litter and on vegetation. They walk remarkable distances while periodically exploring distal plant parts in order to prey on their victims. Once they get to humans and animals, the little parasites walk along skin and hairs, searching for suitable feeding sites. Source 6b.
Image from Wikimedia public domain.
Ticks (Hover)
Okay, there are few things that really repulse me. I mean, when I went through Survival, Evasion, Resistance, Escape training I actually made a soup out of wild carrots, wild onions, and grubs… and it tasted pretty good too but I was damn hungry since I hadn't really eaten anything in a few days. But ticks are one of the things that repulse me. I guess it's just the idea of something on me that wants to suck my blood and pass along whatever disease it happens to have doesn't sit right with me. And yes, I know mosquitoes are the same thing and I don't much like them either.
I am one that dislikes anything that wants to take my blood out of me or to cause it to leak out of me. I like my blood to stay within my body. Ticks are something that occurs and they are hard to kill at times. But if you know how to protect yourself from them you should be fine.
Agreed and I try to do my best to avoid them The other thing I hate are chiggers. They itch to high heavens and are darn hard to get rid of. What techniques do you use to keep ticks away. One thing I know is they are repulsed by high garlic diets, and I eat a lot of garlic. Do you use any of the anti-tick sprays or rubs?
I do not use any chemicals to repel ticks and I do not eat a lot of garlic to repel them. What I do use is easy stuff. Wearing light colored clothing and a wide brimmed hat that is light colored. This helps one spot ticks quickly and easy if they drop down. I tend to double check here and there in a clearing to make sure no ticks are on my clothing.