Cael, stands at 5'5 foot tall with a lean form. He has scruffy, blond hair with wide, green eyes. Cael has a fair skin tone and a comely appearance in general. He wants to develop himself spiritually, paying obeisance to the divine to gain favour and attention. This is how he plans to make his name in the lands.
Advisor Description
It's only the truth to say that my green eyes met with those of the advisor at perhaps an unfortunate moment. Something had been taken, lifted from his belt and snatched away. It was this that had drawn attention to him in the first place. A child ran off, far too fast to follow for someone of his age. He could do nothing but grasp at where the little pouch had been, before giving an exasperated sigh of weariness, then strolling purposefully towards my own self. He was a holy man, and so, deserved the respectful gesture directed at him. He returned it in kind, before introducing himself. This was strange, quite a random meeting indeed. One thing to be noted was the bashful expression on the face of the priest as he spoke aloud his name, as if he'd been caught in the act, collared during some wrongdoing. I would later find out that what he had been assigned to watch over a certain boy by a doting mother. Even later, the truth came straight out, Aerun admitting who he was truly supposed to be watching, and befriending. There was no animosity though, the acts of Mother were something that one gets used to, each motion calculated. The only thing off schedule in life had been the tragic end of hers.