Pufferfish Mating Ritual: Mysterious Circles
We may look at fish as not being 'smart' enough to do anything but eat food and hide, but could we be wrong and they have a mathematical brain and sentient being? Learn more: Source 4j Have a look at this video:
Many creatures are known to instinctively perform complex rituals in mating.
This is impressive, and certainly a cut above the rest. But I doubt that this male's creation is substantially different from his competitors, and that it is not an artistic work in the sense of the image it evokes being important.
I can't recall any being other than humans that will create such a work of art with such precision using no tools. It is a wonder to look at even if duplicated by others of its species. In fact, that might be something to look at further: are the designs the same?
Quick image search pulled up several dozen pufferfish mating sites, most of which appear to be in notably different locations from each other.
Slight differences exist, but it appears to be the same radial pattern in every case. They're following a formula.
As to other examples, multiple species of spider are known for beautiful levels of precision in their webs, other creatures have very elaborate dances performed.
Source 8w
Source 8u Edited: daishain on 1st Apr, 2017 - 12:52am