Carcosa Role-playing Game
Based on your experiences what for you was the Carcosa Role-playing Game's rating, pros and cons?
Carcosa is a science-fantasy role-playing game setting with a sandbox approach: whether heroic or opportune, adventurers of all stripes will find freedom and consequence worth their mettle in a horrifying milieu mixing adventure fantasy, the Mythos, and comic book Science Fiction with no punches pulled.
Carcosa is compatible with Lamentations of the Flame Princess Weird FantasyRole-Playing game and other old school fantasy adventure games. This expanded edition details 800 encounters on the 400-hex map and includes the starter adventure Fungoid Gardens of the Bone Sorcerer.
I asked a group of dedicated players about the content of the book for this Role-playing Game to make a review here. Many of them said it has adult material with morbid rituals connected to rape, and violence even against children. They claimed that the ritual part of it can be left out so that other parts of the general dark theme can be used but I could not phantom using material that was so degrading even if I was editing it to fit an audience.