This is a review thread for the newly created game where you are the character in a 3.5 game. You play yourself with stats that are not rolled but others help give you. What are your reviews for this game?
To create a character go here: 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons You As Character Creation.
Your Threads are Role-playing Game enabled. However they are lacking the necessary explanation for someone new. The content for the Character Creation Thread should possibly be in the Main Thread. Each Thread should have links in the first Post to where other things are located as I did with your first Post above by linking to where a new Player would go to create their Character.
In the How To Be A Dungeon Master Thread I put an example of how this is done to show the Thread's name as the link. While you and I can find everything easily, new Members are always lost so having it as "Source" does not tell them anything.
I edited the first Post of your Character Creation Thread with the first link as how it should be. The others you can change for yourself as "Source" does not describe the link.
What I am also saying is this Thread: 3.5 Dungeons & Dragons You As Character Role-Playing Game should have a layout like this even though it is missing the links. It explains things as though the person is totally lost not as they know where everything is located. You need to do the same for each Thread you start so new Players know the purpose.
If you are not accepting any new Players and intend for the game to run with only the current core Players then it is not necessary, however if your intention is to accept others then it needs to be done so I can also add it here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me? as one of the available games.