I've been reading more and more about this and this is cause to be concerned. We are causing damge to the environment that may be irreparable. And by that I mean irreparable for us. Nature will find to right itself, but we may not be part of that equation when it's all said and done.
I'm slowly getting to the point where I think even if they saw it they'd continue down the same path because taking a detour is to scary. God, I used to be such an optimist. That was before I joined this site and started talking to you! You've turned me into a pessimist… or maybe a realist!
Set in their ways is the answer. If we want to ensure our place after the next mass Extinction then we need to make a detour now and set the things we will need to survive in motion otherwise it will be too late. It very well could be too late now but I am not sure on that yet.
Climate change may drive 10 percent of amphibian species in the Atlantic Rainforest to extinction. Climate conditions forecast for 2050 and 2070 will be potentially lethal to species less adapted to climate variation, according to Brazilian researchers. Source 3u.