Welcome Pathfinder Role-Player
Salutations. Be ye a dedicated warrior that seeketh adventure? For Pathfinder Play by Post start participating forthwith here: [+] Pathfinder Role-playing Game Board where all the Member managed Role-playing Games are located.
To weed out the Dungeons & Dragons games and just see Pathfinder look here: Pathfinder
To create a Character look for any Thread that says "Create Character" and start there for instance: ICon's Kingmaker AP Pathfinder Create Characters.
Not sure how to put thy right foot in front of thy left? Seek help here: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me?
Hi Fyfasan! Nice to have you here from Norway. The current Pathfinder game is on a break as the Dungeon Master is away. Does Dungeons & Dragons interest you?
Fyfasan, thank you for your Donation, your Membership has been upgraded to Premium and 2,500 FP has been deposited into your account as a way of us expressing our gratitude that you are willing to Donate towards the progress of the Community. You now have access to the Hidden Boards and can start a Private Blog or get your personal Avatar if you wish. Now a whole new world awaits you within the Community. For further help you may ask here or contact the Architect directly.