USA vs South Korea

Usa South Korea - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 18th Apr, 2017 - 3:36pm

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USA versus South Korea
Post Date: 16th Jun, 2008 - 6:43am / Post ID: #

USA vs South Korea
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USA vs South Korea

USA vs South Korea

Candlelight protests have been taking place in Korea these days, what are everyone's thoughts on this matter?

It's regrettable that articles on the matter cast the Korean people as wholly against U.S. Beef which is not the case. By no means are all Koreans opposed to U.S. Beef imports as it seems on the news.

NOTE: Detailed Thread on South Korea's acceptance of US Beef is located HERE

Anxiety over beef aged 30months or more, deemed to hold possibility for mad cow disease, seems to have led to group behavior which has been a bit more emotional than rational.

However, politically and emotionally sensitive responses such as "Pull U.S. Troops out" Or "Boycott Korean automobiles" Won't help U.S.-Korean relations at all.

Under no circumstances does Korea want interrelations with America to turn uncomfortable. America is forever a friend and an undoubted companion.

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16th Jun, 2008 - 9:31am / Post ID: #

Korea South USA

Greetings zmfhqk...

My wife is Korean and I visit Korea often and was just there a little over a week ago. While visiting, there were protest that actually went violent against the police. What I saw was the large mob of protesters with a few that were bold enough to actually touch and push officers, attempt to overturn police vehicles, smash the windsheilds of police vehicles and yell all sorts of things at the officers. When the officers responded, it was called police brutality. Now prior to all the violent activity, the candlelight and day long protest had more of a air of a picnic to them. People were protesting and having a nice family meal on a spread out blanket. It WAS the place to be! Unfortunately, for a great many of those that are there, I do feel it is more of a social outing more so than a serious protest against aged beef.

There will be no boycotting of Korean automobiles. The US loves the inexpensive Hyundai's too much and really are not overly concerned with Korean meat eating choices. However, the government is keen on getting US beef into Korea to more even out the trade balance with Korea and is willing to tie free trade to it. That is a big benefit economically to both sides and I think it would probably benefit Korea more than the US. Tax free Samsung cellphones, TV's, Cameras, etc... Hyundai Cars...would definitely give the S. Korean economy a boost that this president has promissed.

As far as getting the US out of Korea, the last president promissed that before he was elected and the farthest they got was pulling US troops back from the DMZ. That was a result of the unfortunate accident with the military convoy killing the little girl on the side of the road.

S. Korea and the US will always be close allies. However, we are both very independent countries. Koreans are very passionate people. My wife thinks that everything made is Korea is superior to any product in the world...she has a little pride! But that can go for most Koreans I have made friends with and it is a good thing.

Korea is going through its time in history when the workers are standing up to the companies and saying that things arent enough, demanding reasonable working conditions and pay. When I first went to Korea about 10 to 12 years ago, there were very few strikes by workers and now there are many strikes by workers. Truckers are striking there now in protest of high fuel cost (I really dont understand the protest and work stoppage, but am using it as a example). The workers are getting better conditions. It is like the mid 1900's in the US. Activism is a new and exciting thing in S. Korea and people are getting used to it and using it to shape their lives and their country.

The international media really makes this out much differently than the media in Korea. The international media makes it feel like Koreans despise US beef as much as the world in general dislikes G. Bush and that just is not the case. They show all the acts of violence, but you don't see the people having a peaceful protest and a picnic with family and this is truly unfortunate.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

Post Date: 26th Apr, 2014 - 9:30pm / Post ID: #

USA vs South Korea History & Civil Business Politics

U.S. South Korea Alliance Incredible Bond Obama Says
US Military News

The special bond between Americans and South Koreans serves to strengthen U.S. commitment to the country's security in the face of aggression, President Barack Obama told troops during a visit to South Korea.

Post Date: 4th Mar, 2015 - 11:42pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Korea South USA

U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Mark Lippert was injured in an attack in Seoul, possibly by more than one person, according to U.S. Government sources.

Police in Seoul say Lippert was cut with a razor blade. Lippert is being treated. A suspect has been detained. Ref. CNN

Post Date: 18th Apr, 2017 - 1:24pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Korea South USA

It's time for America to cut South Korea loose:

Why is the United States, which dominates the globe militarily, politically, and economically, fixated on this poor, isolated, and distant nation? Because America has gotten entangled where it does not belong. Ref. Source 1j.

Post Date: 18th Apr, 2017 - 1:37pm / Post ID: #

USA vs South Korea
A Friend

USA vs South Korea

This is a rather simplistic view. To say we can just, cut them loose has huge implications. We have treaties of alliance and friendship with South Korea. If we simply, cut them loose, what would our other allies see. They'd see a country that no longer adheres to defensive treaties when they no longer suit us. There goes US credibility. This was my beef with what President Trump was saying about NATO.

Also, they call it a poor country. North Korea is definitely a poor country, with a small nuclear arsenal, a huge stockpile of chemical and biological weapons, developing the capability to strike the US, and led by a maniac. Also, South Korea is not a small economy. It's not as large as China and India, but it is a significant economy on the world stage. And both countries sit near the our near peer China. This is why it's important for us to remain engaged there.

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Post Date: 18th Apr, 2017 - 3:29pm / Post ID: #

USA vs South Korea
A Friend

USA South Korea

I think that we are stick there for the foreseeable future. We aided them before and saved South Korea. North Korea is an imminent threat with soon to be nuclear weapons. I feel that we are there until the North Korean government is toppled. Once they are no longer hostile to South Korea we should remove our troops. If we pull our troops out before then North Korea could invade South Korea pretty easily.

Post Date: 18th Apr, 2017 - 3:36pm / Post ID: #

USA vs South Korea
A Friend

USA South Korea Politics Business Civil & History

North Korea can try to invade South Korea with or without us there. I know that the ROK soldiers are ones that would look forward to an invasion. I think right now our presence may be keeping the South from invading the North. I know there is hostilities from both sides and even rounds flying both ways more than is ever reported. I think us staying there is a good thing.

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