Part of the primitive customs of India that continue to treat women like a product to be bartered, but in this story what I really want to know was where was the husband in all of this? He couldn't tell his parents to back off? Being a doctor made no difference… death was soon to come. Read the full story: Source 6h.
Divya's Murder Case - The Primitive Culture Of India (Hover)
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3244 100%
You would think that the husband would have noticed something was up and stepped in. Was he that clueless that he would let something like this happen to his own wife. I know that women are treated differently in India but this is beyond me.
What about the victim's close relatives? She kept going to them and they kept sending her back even though she expressed fear, etc. This murder was premeditated, the parents of the groom wanted more money so they planned to marry their son to another woman.
About the husband, we need to see this from an arranged marriage perspective. The guy did not love this woman, he was one of the persons accused of harassing the victim's family for more money.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Yes arranged marriage can turn out real bad. I think that this went far outside the bounds of arranged marriage and she should never of had to endure this. I feel sorry for her and upset at her relatives that would no help her when she was clearly asking for help.