Percival the Duke

Percival Duke - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 14th Aug, 2017 - 5:42pm

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Post Date: 14th Aug, 2017 - 3:24pm / Post ID: #

Percival the Duke
A Friend

Percival the Duke

It is no minor task to translate who I am into words, but for the memory of Mother, I shall.
Let us proceed with what others see when they look at me. A towering, gloomy man, younger than one would say- for the white and grey hair I have had since childhood makes me seem older, much older. I assume that, although I am not in lack of beauty, people must find quite offputting not being able to see my eyes- we comisiones tainted spectacles to protect my delicate eyes from light. Now that I think of it, I am really ghost looking.

And, when I look in the mirror- what do I see? Sone weakling, some days. A cruel monsters, some nights.

The Ruler my Mother intended for me to be- always. I shall make of the family name a glorious legacy to pass on to my heirs, one Father and Mother would be proud of.

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Post Date: 14th Aug, 2017 - 4:15pm / Post ID: #

Percival the Duke
A Friend

Duke Percival

Advisor Description

"I was once lost, but now I'm found". I remember reading those words somewhere… maybe the Nan sang them to me? I never felt them as true as I do now.
For a while I've felt as if some one was keeping their eyes upon me. For what reason, I could only assume. But puzzles are made a piece at a time, so I tried to ignore the feeling.

I had just paid for a room from Stephan, that adorable man, and was enjoying my wine, when she sat at my table.

"Your name is Percival."

I tried to remember her face- you would remember her pale eyes, white skin and that grey hair… My brain started rushing for conclusions.

'My name is Daenisse. You probably don't remember me, for I was taken away when you were a little boy… but we have the same father, Percy.'

I couldn't believe it, at first. That mu father had had a daughter before me, with some peasant woman no one will ever care about. And why would Mother agree to take care of her for so long? And yet, every detailed she revealed during our conversation was so accurate…

So I have an older step-sister. A bastard step-sister. But, when I become the most powerful man in this land, she'll bathe in jewels and gold, should she help me achieve my goals. I think she knows nothing will ever stop me from ruling, as it's my right and duty. Should she choose otherwise, I'll kill her myself.

Won't go for the face. She has a pretty face.

Post Date: 14th Aug, 2017 - 5:12pm / Post ID: #

Percival the Duke
A Friend

Percival the Duke Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections on your mother

Reflections on my* Mother.

She with the pale skin and grey hair that I inherited. I would she could help me today- I would she were alive. She was the gentle and bright of everything- now, all that remains is grim and evil.

And how positive does her memory grow by the say! She helped Daenisse when she was a kid, before I was born at all, and raised us. I do not remember this well, yet- but her heart was of gold and purity…

Is that why they took it from her?

I cannot forget that gruesome image. And I wouldn't- it is the need for revenge and justice that drives me forward, that keeps me breathing. For I will rule as she desired, yes: it is my destiny. But I will also find the monster who killed her and show them the meaning of utter suffering. I will buen the whole World to the ground if I have to.

Burn them, burn them, burn them all…

Post Date: 14th Aug, 2017 - 5:42pm / Post ID: #

Percival the Duke
A Friend

Duke Percival

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

Lady Fluke, you maiden vain,
You make me rhyme your beauty,
And I say, 'tis my duty
To avoid being base or plain-

For I wouldn't try to offend thee
Speaking of your eyes so close
Or your lips a-moist, your reddish nose,
Your overall masculinity.

Lady Fluke, I pray,
Forgive me staring at your bossom!
Your fleshy melons are huge and awesome:
One can't simple look away.

So, a final word I'll say:
One that looketh upon thee
Must pray their love or flee
Or with my vicious tong be slayed!.

> TOPIC: Percival the Duke


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