North Carolina Civil Disorder
This is a general Thread to Discuss civil strife in North Carolina where protests are causing clashes with authorities.
When riots happen in North Carolina how are they normally quelled?
Note: There are more specific Threads that detail crime, politics and terrorism for North Carolina - do search.
North Carolina protesters use strap to pull down Confederate soldier statue. Video of the incident shows protestors pull the statue to the ground, as a handful of people kick the statue and others cheer. Source 4h.
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North Carolina Civil Unrest (Hover)
Why? Why are they destroying a statue of soldiers who fought bravely. Yes, I don't agree with what the Confederacy wanted. It would have destroyed the US and history would have been much different. That said, this is a statue to represent the bravery of the men who fought on the losing side of that war. My God, are we to take down all statues of everyone who did something bad in their lives? Are we to castigate the memory of everyone who did wrong by today's standards even though they lived in different times? If so, then let's forget everything anyone ever did because they were all fallible.
In this day of age that we now live in you have people who are unwilling to compromise and find middle ground so that we can all get along. Then you have the news media showing parts of a demonstration that fuels their agenda and adds more fire to those who feel their ideas are right. This is what we get from that.