Characters level is up to the player.
Dual class rules from Adventures on the High seas apply.
Rifts Unlimited Edition canon rules, burst fire, spd modifiers, perception, etc.
Gear is limited to current Occupational Character Class 1st level equipment, so no starting with rune weapons or spells of legend.
I play a skill based game where combat monsters really only fit into that roll and are forced into dialogue and often outshined by the guy that can read or fix a hover jet. Edited: Steveofett on 23rd Aug, 2017 - 3:34pm
Steveofett, I moved your game thread. As the How To Be A Dungeon Master thread says you must first post a review of your game to see if players are interested. I've also renamed this topic so it is better understood. Please do read: How To Be A Dungeon Master to avoid moderation.
Set 300 years after the fall off man Rifts Earth is a place with portals to many places in the Megaverse.
All manner of races, high-tech, magic, psionics, mutants, mutant animals and everything inbetween is found here.
A typical team could include a Human Gunslinger, an Elven Burster, an Ogre Tattoo mage, fighting bedside a Demigod vs a legion of Bandits armed with laser rifles and a Giant Robot.
Like Dragons? Yeah you could play one.
Like Power Armour, got that to.
Earth Shattering Warlock spells your thing, check.
Or a Simple Cowboy trying to survive and lead a Tritops Herd to market. Got them too.
In this game any character type you can imagine can be used and a variation already exists.
A master psychic capable of lifting objects with his mind, clouding the minds of others and leaping really far using telekinesis?
Yes that's called a mind melter.
Steveofett, thanks for taking up Game Mastering for a new system. Rifts is a great new addition to the line up we have here. You might want to do some things:
1. Post the schedule, for example how often the game will run - once a day, etc. How long you will wait on players before you move on, etc. On this site Game Masters are supposed to Post daily but some Game Masters allow their players up to 2 days to add their Character actions.
2. You may want to get an understanding of the Text Role-playing Game Character Creator by going : here and then creating a pseudo Character by clicking the "Create Character" button. In this way you can get an idea of the options available, etc.
3. Just to be sure, have you read through the How To Be A Dungeon Master Thread and agree with all there? There are some great Topics about styles of Game Mastering which you might like to add to, it also helps Players to know what to expect from your game.
Palladium isn't presented as an available character creation option.
That's typical.
I update daily, usually multiple times a day.
I'm not looking for somebody to bring me a bunch of numbers on a piece of paper, I am looking for a character that has originality, personality and is more than numbers.
Steveofett, I sent you an Email, for the purpose of the generator please reply to my Email and I will include it.
A strong role-playing ethic is a good stance as a style of Game Mastering. As you use the Text Role-playing Game Creator you will also be able to tell me more about what is needed to fit Rifts.
Your game will be Science Fiction based I guess? Or is it one of Horror or Mystery? What will be the name of your game / general background story?
I still need a confirmation on #3.
For the purpose of training people into the system I'll create the characters that most fit the players request.
Yes, I can do vague.
Numbers on paper are simply the pass or fail of an attempt.
Hey I like ironman. That's easy we got a SAMAS pilot.
I like Captain America. That's basically a Juicer.
I wannabe Thor! Whelp Godling is an available option, no problem.
Oh oh I wanna use Spider-Man! That's a Dabbugh from England.
A Ninja! Mystic like the classic 80's movie or gadgets like Batman? I can do both.
As I said earlier anything is truly possible in the system.
As far as Adventure name?
I normally name each Adventure session on the group.
The entire series name?
A Group 3.0 works.