Harbringer the Bodyguard

Harbringer Bodyguard - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 30th Aug, 2017 - 11:53pm

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28th Aug, 2017 - 11:00pm / Post ID: #

Harbringer the Bodyguard

Harbringer, stands 5 feet 11 inches tall with a swimmers body. Harbringer has blackish brown hair with medium teal eyes. Harbringer has white skin and a rougish but trusting appearance in general. Harbringer has chosen to honor his fathers name by first starting a trade in sold protection. Harbringer views alliances as something that should be honored. Harbringer intends to make as many allies to help bring me to the top in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. The only other thing Harbringer wants is someone to help him threw the dark times and someone to love.

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29th Aug, 2017 - 12:11am / Post ID: #

Bodyguard Harbringer

Advisor Description

Bennidict met Harbringer at noon. Harbringer was at the tavern, getting used to the town when Bennidict sat down next to Harbringer. It was an awkward meeting as Bennidict started talking about the word of God and how he can help Harbringer in his job as a Bodyguard. Harbringer started feeling friendly to him and got close. When Bennidict said he was hired by Harbringer's mother to keep watch over him, Harbringer felt like Bennidict was a father to him. Bennidict is the closest person Harbringer has. Bennidict has one worry about Harbringer though. He worries that if given to much power, Harbringer might use it for devilish purposes. Though that fear isn't that great as Bennidict trusts that Harbringer will make the right choice. Through this whole journey, from the slums to the castle, Bennidict will loyally be by Harbringer's side. The priest and the bodyguard will be know to all. Forever they will be Father and son.

29th Aug, 2017 - 3:39pm / Post ID: #

Harbringer the Bodyguard Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Reflections on your mother

Reflections on my mother.... I remembered that before. My mother had all these weird dreams when I was young. She would say that I was destined to rule. I thought she mean my small little town that I was born into. Than I heard the Dream Whisperer tonight. She said that I would wield the sword of the Ruler of Kings. Thinking on that I couldn't see how. I'm just a guard. Nothing more. But my mother having the dreams of me ruling and the dream whisperer speaking of it… it can't be a coincidence. I was trained by my father but loved my mother. In her name I will rise and take the Sword of the Ruler of Kings. Thank you Dream Whisperer.

30th Aug, 2017 - 11:36am / Post ID: #

Bodyguard Harbringer

The Beauty of Lady Fluke

The beauty of the lady is beyond compare.
Her looks hit me faster than a hare.
I've seen no other as fine.
I wish she were mine.
But the town just has to share.

Her hair is the color of gold.
Everytime I see her I fold.
She stand so proud
In front of a crowd
That all who see her are no longer cold.

The Lady stares with eyes that glow.
When she walks by rivers they cease to flow.
The way she talks
Makes all men gawk
And she does it just for show.

The way she holds herself
She walks like no one else
She cares not what you think
She'll leave you on the brink
For she is here to impress no one but herself

She shines like stars in the sky.
Everytime she leaves I cry
For she is the one
Brighter than the sun
An Angel that does not fly

This poem is close to an end
But The Lady's beauty will never bend
She stays in the palace
Free from all malice
So she will one day ascend.

This is the end.
If you haven't fallen in love than your hopeless
The lady will live on forever
Through every single endeavor
To brings us he beauty endless.

30th Aug, 2017 - 11:53pm / Post ID: #

Bodyguard Harbringer

This town... there was something off about it. I'm worried about staying here too long. The people here are... I don't know how to describe it. I can't stay here to long. The more I stay the greater my past haunts me. I just need to get out. I could get a new name. Start a new life. Anywhere else! I can't stay in this place any longer. If anything I can just end it here. My family's legacy was falling apart to begin with. Why not finish off a broken legacy. This might not be a good reason and if anyone reads this, I want you to hand it to my lovers nephew. His name is Johnathan. He is the only one I know that can take this. I'm sorry mother but this isn't something I can do. It never was.

> TOPIC: Harbringer the Bodyguard


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