Elymas is a little too absorbed in casting his rituals to identify the magic items to notice Photokles' declaration that he is leaving for Thebes.
When he is informed that the priest is gone, he is fairly dismayed. "Should we not stay together if at all possible? What is he thinking? Why did the rest of you let him go alone?" Edited: daishain on 24th Sep, 2017 - 12:21am
"Each person is responsible for their own path through life Elymas. From the moment we found that Thebes was under attack, Photokles was hell bent on heading there. If it makes him feel better then it is best that he does what his conscious compels him to do. For me, Briadia's word is good enough that the hostilities have ceased. We are not here to nurse the wounded or pray for the dead. We are here to stop further occurrences of the type we have encountered today. If you all wish it I will chase after the priest and ensure his safety, but I feel that is more a feat for the gods now, not us." Tellias reclines into his bedroll and waits to see if the consensus is for him to chase after Photokles or to leave the cleric to his own destiny.
Manos sits in his wagonseat listening to the others; only coming down for food. He watched as Photokles left and how the group responded. As it appears that everyone has begun to settle down, he hears Elymas and Tellias talk.
Suddenly he stirs his horses and the wagon begins to move forward. He pauses it at the edge of camp. "I'm going to Thebes. There is enough room for two if you are still interested in going."
He waits long enough for Elymas to decide to get on or not, before riding towards the still burning flames of Thebes. Edited: Robertreaper on 24th Sep, 2017 - 3:20am
"Tellias, I do not question Photokles' ability to choose for himself. I am concerned about our ability to work together as a group. We may not be soldiers, but we are bound to the same purpose. A part of that means we must support, and if necessary, limit one another."
"People wandering off alone is going to get them killed, and I suspect that we will have enough casualties as matters stand."
"You leaving alone is likewise a problem. I do not doubt your abilities, but you leave us weaker with your absence and yourself vulnerable to another incursion."
When Manos makes his offer, Elymas is quick to shake his head, "No Manos, that is even worse than what Photokles has done. You're taking all of the supplies that the group needs to survive. If we must be foolish enough to split up, the least bit of prudence demands that the wagon needs to stay with the larger group."
"Take what supplies you need, the wagon belongs with me and wouldn't be here if I hadn't demanded it."
If they don't take anything then Manos will toss off the food, what they didn't already eat that night, before saying; "I'll see you in Thebes, Delphi, at the Oracle, or in Hades." With that he stirs the horses and is gone. Edited: Robertreaper on 24th Sep, 2017 - 3:48am
Looking to Tellias and Briadia, an expression of appreciation could be seen, glad to see they took it so well. Though also was the concern what the former spoke of his encounters with others of the Celt Tribes warriors, basing his views on her kin on that.
Keitha considers the situation, before admitting her thoughts on the situation and of Photokles leaving for Thebes before saying, "It is not wise to allow any of to go off alone, someone should go after it. We were all chosen by the gods, and to allow one to leave by themselves will only hurt our journey." The druid will grow quiet before adding, "If no one else will, I'll go after him."
Out of Character: I hope Keitha does come after him, he could use the company on the way to Thebes. *smile*.
In Character: Manos will wait just out of hearing range of the camp to see if anyone come after him. He'll wait most of an hour before leaving again, and will try to talk to whomever comes. Edited: Robertreaper on 24th Sep, 2017 - 4:39am
Briadia looks with annoyance at Elymas." Photokles is a grown man. He made what I feel is a very foolish decision. I can't force him to stay and going after him splinters the party even more. It is madness to go alone in the dark in times like this. Tellios has the right of it. He was chosen by his god. It's up to his god to keep him safe now. If he makes it back by the morning we travel on. If he isn't back by then I say we leave him. Delphi is our mission, not Thebes. We shall not delay our mission because someone wishes to see the sights."
As she finishes saying this Manos has his say and drops the food off of the wagon before taking off. She curses." Are all of Hellas this foolish? I'm already beginning to wonder why some were chosen for this mission. They seem focused on anything but our mission to Delphi. We won't survive this if people don't pull together." She looks at Tellios and Brathark and shakes her head.
She noticed out of the corner of her eye Arcad making his way quickly to the food dropped haphazardly off of the wagon. He almost has a smile on his face. She runs to the food and says, "No, Arcad. We need that food. It is all we have." Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Sep, 2017 - 12:05pm