Niklaus nods. "Hmm, maybe ask where they were attacked? At least we would know to expect trouble at that point… though I guess it is safest to expect trouble all the way along this adventure." He sits back, mulling other ideas.
"There are many questions we may ask. I am unsure of the questions we should ask as I am not sure the answer we get with any will give us a answer that would be of use to us. I say we sleep on it and then take this up in the morning as we travel to the oracle."
"I for one will not rest this night if the matter at hand is not addressed. In the morning our focus should be on our journey, not on our task at it's end, surely you realise this most of all gathered here, being a Spartan soldier Brathark." Tellias looked somewhat surprised at his fellow Spartan's words.
"We have been trained to withstand all the physical punishment the world can throw at us, until we meet our end. We have even been trained to deal with many great mental trials, but without this issue resolved it will cause an unwanted distraction when we take to the road. I for one will sit here all night, alone if the need be, until those who wish this first task resolved remain and agree upon our course of action." Tellias looked at Brathark with a somewhat annoyed and dismissive look, feeling like the Spartan was quitting on the task at hand, which is something true Spartan's just did not do!
Unbeknownst to Brathark, Tellias was aware of his transgression with Agesilaus's niece, and although he had no problem personally with the affair, he knew that Agesilaus was greatly upset by it, but then Agesilaus was far more emotional and easily offended than many Spartan men, it was even rumored he had an intimate relationship with his general Lysander.
Pausanias had informed him in confidence, but the rumors were abound of incident in the Ekklsia, behind closed doors. In fact it had become the subject of a secret ballot, as to whether King Agesilaus's request to the council to have Barthark executed for the affair.
Sadly for Agesilaus, most of the Ekklsia were red-blooded males and could sympathise with Brathark's advances towards the beautiful woman. Also with Brathark being one of Pausanias's 300, it was deemed inappropriate for Agesilaus to taken any action towards him. It was in fact on this matter that Tellias had spoken in private to Pausanias, upon his kings request, and Tellias had advised against any action against Brathark, asking which true blooded Spartan would not try his luck with a beautiful woman if she was willing!
His stare lingered for a moment on his fellow Spartan then he looked to his current companions "Well, shall we hammer out the details of our meeting with the Oracle?". Edited: Glarion on 9th Sep, 2017 - 11:48am
Brathark looks to Tellias, "I was not speaking for myself I was thinking of the others with us. I do not mind staying up all night and all day if I have to but we are different than others are we not? I am trice chosen and I believe my gods will keep my body well and rested even if I do not."
The hours start to fall away. The sun goes down. Hours later the moon is high in the sky peering down at you. Time passes.
Out of Character: Note my introduction thread. I'll be in and out of coverage today. I'm hiking the hills of West Virginia.
"Well if the others are to prevail on this task they will have to step up to the mark countryman. They will need to learn how to condition both their body & mind if they hope to come out of this trial alive and intact!" Tellias replies to Barthark.
Tellias turns from Barthark and looks at each other gathered god-chosen here "I can assure you that if trained Spartan scouts and soldiers have not returned from their missions then they are dead. To hear of a Spartan soldier returning from his mission a gibbering wreck of fear is unheard, something unholy and ungodly as at the end of our path. I do not wish to cast doubt in your minds, but be aware that the task for which you have been chosen by the gods is likely the last task you will undertake, unless you take this matter with the utmost of gravity. Our friend outside may find himself sleeping when the time comes, as he is now. If you are to be ready, then we need quick thinking and decisive action ahead of us. This matter at hand is our first test, let us not be caught sleeping when we are needed to act." Tellias looks at the faces of those gathered, almost trying to read their minds but in fact looking for doubt and weakness in their faces, a skill he has finely tuned in the arenas and in the Ekklsia.
Mumblings come from the other room. Manos stirs enough to call out; "You guys still rambling on about this? Just ask what will aid us, what will hinder us and what will kill us? We can solve the riddled answers later. Now get some slee… " He passes out, half rolled over, face pressed against the cool marble stone of the floor.
Elymas returns Tellias' gaze steadily, though not without some doubt. Tellias sees a man of determined conviction, but also one who has not known a great deal of hardship and death. "I agree that this matter should be settled now. But we need to make one thing clear. Few of your companions are soldiers. None of your companions save Brathark are Spartans. That is not going to change overnight. It would not change given a year to prepare."
"I mean no insult, but it has been well proven that Spartan discipline and strength of arms is simply not enough, and I strongly suspect that is why people of such disparate backgrounds have been chosen. Learn to use our strengths for what they are, and help bind us together as a whole. Trying to force us into the molds that you are used to is bound to end poorly. We all must learn and adapt to each other, that is how we shall overcome."
Looking to Brathark he states, "Trust in the gods, but do not assume when and how they will act. That is their purview, not yours. There is also the question of whether the gods can intercede in this way, their actions have been oddly limited in this affair. Their influence on the world of men may somehow be restricted. And so, do not neglect yourself by extreme measures unless circumstances require it. We need you at your best. As much as you need our strengths, we need yours as well"
He cocks his head for a moment, a look of mild surprise on his face. After a moment, he nods. "I have been urged to wrap this up. With that in mind, I suggest our initial questions be. 'What path should we take to begin?', 'How should we best prepare for the challenges we face?', and 'What do the gods most wish us to heed?' If none have great objections to these, I suggest we retire and work out precise wording tomorrow. That is a task best done with fresh minds." Edited: daishain on 9th Sep, 2017 - 3:58pm