It's kind of funny how the party split up. All of the full casters but Elymas left and he wanted to as well. All the Martial and half casters stayed at camp.
Well, ourvfood will be gone. Arcad had that critical failure. He had a bad night. Critical fails at perception and willpower. I hope everyone enjoys breakfast *wink*.
Edited: Kyrroeth on 24th Sep, 2017 - 6:56pm
Black bears are phenomal climbers and Arcad is smarter than the average bear. Hopefully he won't pull on the rope *wink* It's no guarantee of stopping him since he will know it is there. Hopefully whoever is on watch will stay awake.
You just took all my fun away. I had a post all ready to get here about how good climbers black bears are and then I deleted it as said go ahead and hang everything from branches. I had the scene all ready pictured in my head and now poof, it's gone. Especially with that critical fail. How Arcad shimmied along the branch, the sound of the branch breaking. Food falling to the ground, breaking out of its containers. Arcad falling too, right in the middle of all the food and then him devouring it. Ya know, it is dangerous indeed to steal the Dungeon Master's fun like this! .
Edited: Abnninja on 24th Sep, 2017 - 9:27pm
Personally, I feel the food "Issue" didn't need to be such though it was made to be one by some. More to the point though I think part of the issue In Character at least is lack of communication and perhaps stubbornness. That, and the fact that clearly the party does not fully or in party quite trust each other. Roleplaying will have to hopefully fix this in time.
It should be noted in Greek Mythology that side tracks and setback were not all that uncommon, with dangers popping up or the heroes getting off track was not all that uncommon. The Odyssey being a perfect example of such, thrown off track for a number of reason and often because of the meddling of the gods in some form or another..
Personally, I think we should have all gone to Thebes yet now instead the party is split up. Personally, I think Keitha did the right thing in going after them… or at least she believes so, up to the Gods to decide if this is true. Though she is frustrated by the situation, and wishes they didn't split up. That they would have stayed together, either going to Delphi or going to Thebes.
Edited: Thomaslee on 24th Sep, 2017 - 8:36pm