I would have posted it here, but was sadly unable to due to recently (But not within the editing timeline) posting the reply to Thomas about what kind of hero I thought Keitha was.
I appreciated that you have been enjoying my roleplaying *smile*
In my timeline I left closer to 6 - 9pm; leaving camp shortly before sunset and it was closer to dusk when me and Keitha left; I believe I made note about to those effects. So I was under the impression that we were closer to midnight than to morning. [By The Way], the 10 hour timeline was going off of leaving at the earliest of 6pm; which is why I said 'up to'.
Also you added 5 1/2 hours of stuff, not 6; so how about we go with that and call it about 2am? I just want to get in some "In city" roleplaying before we advance again together as a group. I'm sure Thomas and Brandon would too.
EDIT: Just to make sure, I double checked and I didn't see any post saying that we are at or near the city. *laugh* Where are these guys taking us? Are they actually bandits and rogues, were they not kidding? Manos tenses up a little as these questions begin drifting into his head. Edited: Robertreaper on 28th Sep, 2017 - 5:38am
I think if you go in and read the whole paragraph where I talk about time you'll see it is 6 1/2 hours. Furthermore, I had Manos leaving at 8:30 PM (2030). We are sticking with the 0400. Let me add, time is a fluffy concept almost 400 years before the birth of Christ. So, when I say something could be x hours understand that is plus or minus as much as 50%. Although, the percentage is higher the shorter the time. So, if I say something is 12 hours away it may end up being 15 hours unless something slows you down… like a Tarrasque. But two hours could easily be three… or one.
I'm not sure why you think there will be no roleplaying in Thebes or why you think the other group is right behind Manos. They haven't even left the camp yet. They won't be moving any faster than Manos and Keitha did. There are still soldiers about. And just like Manos, Keitha, and Photokles there is a certain percentage chance they'll meet agreeable soldiers and a certain percentage chance they'll meet disagreeable soldiers. We'll see what happens.
For the 5 1/2 hours I was going off of this.
"Now, let's say Thebes was two hours away, add an hour for looking for tracks, add another hour for moving very slowly once you realized there were soldiers around, add an hour for your meeting from when they started approaching you, which they would do quite slowly, and let's throw 30 minutes in there for miscellaneous just because I know miscellaneous happens when you move on a battlefield."
So 2 for travel to Thebes +1 for tracks +1 for moving slow +1 for meeting the soldiers +1/2 for miscellaneous = 5 1/2.
[By The Way], Manos is now very nervous and is sure they are not heading to Thebes. He has begun considering the soldiers to be a threat to him and Keitha. Edited: Robertreaper on 28th Sep, 2017 - 5:57pm
You left this out:
Of course, I said Thebes was about two hours away and that was an estimate. So we'll throw another hour in there for miscalculation. So, you started at 2030 and add 6 1/2 hours and you get to 0300. My time is pretty close.
So, let's end this now. It's 4:00 AM. Once I get an action for Photokles we'll move on and Manos will find out if he is right to worry.
[You] may want to check out where you are before growing a tree the size you just grew. As the tree sprouts up, you'd be knocking the facade off of buildings and ripping the road up. You are just inside the gates of Thebes. At the very least you'd damage those gates… right after an attack. The Thebans might not appreciate that.
In fairness to Keitha/Thomas, Ninja, you hadn't stated that they'd entered the city as yet, but that a large gate was looming up ahead *wink*.