Not trying to meta game or anything, but the link to what I assume is a picture of the creatures is not working for me. Based on other descriptions though (And again not trying to use this info for in game purposes more than just visualizing what they are), would I be too far off thinking they are some sort of Gnoll like creature?
Ah, ok. I read something about dark furred creatures. Perhaps that was just in reference to their hair. At any rate, thanks, as now I have I have a visual to work with, as made apparent, I was off with what I was picturing. (Laugh).
I think we have a miscommunication going on. My reading of things is that Briadia heard the battle to the north, where they have now seen orcs. Tellias, who did not roll well, heard something to the east, where there might be something or maybe nothing. The rest of us back with the main column have heard nothing… or at least not been told we have heard anything. Ninja's asking if "You will investigate to the east" was to Tellias and Briadia. Ninja, can you clear this up please?
You are spot on with your reading of things. Right now all the main group knows is that there is battle going on around Thebes involving what amounts to armies.
Also, I'll just describe what you see rather than linking to it. Although visual is good I can be pretty descriptive and I was urged to do it with words.
EDIT Also I think I should add some information here for your information. Most of your characters have never seen these creatures before… any of the things you are encountering and probably the things you will encounter. I believe only Niklaus has seen them and then at night, briefly, while trying to save his sisters. I won't post if they are gnolls, orcs, goblins, or kobolds. Storm Giants, if you ever meet any, would be something like incredibly tall men with long dark (Or maybe white) beards, with bolts of lightning shrouding them like a lion's mane. Lastly, don't put too much into where the site is that I get my pictures. I'm just looking for pictures that fit my mind's description of what you see. I don't want you to be misled. These creatures you meet may not be in the MM... At least not exactly as in the MM. It would be wise for you all to remember that.
Edited: Abnninja on 13th Sep, 2017 - 2:15pm
I was also under the impression that there was something near the main group, to the East. Either way, Manos is tired of waiting, but is moving slow enough in the direction of trouble, that he could be told to stop and he'd listen, for a time.
Ah, I see your confusion. Both Briadia and Tellias heard something. One heard something to the East and one to the North. The main group did not hear it… yet.
EDIT Please go to Maps and you will see a map of Greece there and also what you see.
Edited: Abnninja on 13th Sep, 2017 - 2:08pm