This cutaneous condition: known as Neuroblastoma, can be Discussed here.
Persons finding themselves or loved ones distressed in their lives because of Neuroblastoma (Infantile neuroblastoma, Neuroepithelioma) may like to share how they cope in order to help others world-wide searching for experiences.
Combination therapy shows promise in fighting neuroblastoma
Further light has been shed on the role of the cytokine TGF?1 in the growth of neuroblastoma, and suggests the possibility for a small molecule drug/antibody combinatorial therapy to treat this cancer. Ref. Source 6i.
Potential for more targeted treatments of neuroblastoma tumors. Genetic variations appear to pre-dispose children to developing certain severe forms of neuroblastoma, according to new research. The findings lay the groundwork for developing more targeted treatments for particularly deadly variations of the cancer. Source 9a.
New biomarker assay detects neuroblastoma with greater sensitivity. Investigators have developed and tested a new biomarker assay for quantifying disease and detecting the presence of neuroblastoma even when standard evaluations yield negative results for the disease. Researchers provide the first systematic comparison of standard imaging evaluations versus the new assay that screens for five different neuroblastoma-associated genes and determine that the new assay improves disease assessment and provides prediction of disease progression. Source 8c.