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Dincht Introduction
I am a sometimes creative writer, sometimes GM and all the time parent looking for communities to learn how to improve skills in all three. I hope Aloha isn't considered slang, I did grow up in Hawaii if that helps my case at all. I've traveled a lot since then. I always considered myself good at writing. I would be given months to do an essay and only start it the night before in my room.
As far as fiction goes though, that's a slightly newer hobby. Writing my own that is. I was always into movies and TV. I am the one in the family who everyone asks about for that actors name or that one movie with the explosions.
The first time I played Dungeons & Dragons though was in a boarding school in Rome. The movies make boarding school seem like a punishment, but I got really lucky. I wandered the globe a lot actually, for various reasons. RPG's and traveling both gave me unique perspectives on life and I am now tasked with passing on what I can to my child.
There's not much else to me. I have fun debating, and I don't shy away from disagreements. That's probably scary to say online, that I'm the type of guy that relishes talking religion and politics, but without communication how can you have growth. I think that's what drew me to stories, whether in games or movies. In fantasy you can work out tough issues in a softer way. I think when regular folk put their faith in a prophesied hero who you can see is a normal person trying to do the best they can, I think that says something we can contemplate about religion. I think the very existence of characters like Robin Hood says something we cannot hash out and argue about politics. I'm contemplative as much as I am feisty and pardon me for saying so, but I think I can be an asset to a community looking for interesting perspectives.
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Reason: Ruler of Kings II Text RPG
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5th Sep, 2017 - 1:29pm Signature: