Oh my!, her own lies of omission, outright lies, and sketchy actions impugned her character. She thinks it's everyone's fault but hers is what I get out of this. I wonder if she'll ever admit it was her fault. She was a flawed candidate from the start.
This issues from her past are real. The way she handled the server in her home was abhorrent. Had someone else done that they'd have gone to jail. The law she broke doesn't require intent, simple incompetence is enough to get one jail time and/or hefty fines.
Add to that she was a poor Secretary of State who presided over many failed policies that left our country less secure and you can see why she lost.
Had the Dems put ANY other candidate up I don't think President Trump would have been elected. Even though our politics are different, I was hoping for Biden. He's an honorable man I could have voted for. Instead they annointed Clinton and they reaped what they sowed.
Of course she can not take fault. It has never been her fault that anything has happened under her watch. For her to admit fault would be like congress admitting they are screwing the US Citizens. Neither one is about to happen any time soon.