About The Community Moderators
As a member, if you have had some interaction of any type with our Community Moderators how do you feel about them in general? Note: Do not focus on ONE Moderator in particular, but ALL Moderators in general.
Past Community Moderators:
Moderation Changes
June, 2016 - Moderation is done without anyone knowing it is taking place!
Community Moderators (Hover)
The moderators in this forum do a great job of setting the example. When involved in a discussion that could be heated, they always stay polite and considerate while expressing their opinions. I have never had a moderator be rude to me, or try to belittle my opinions. Most of the time, if they edit a post, it has been for a good reason. I have not ever had a problem with one of my posts that was edited in which I could not see their reason for doing it. Overall, the moderators here are among the brightest, most considerate, and fair moderators as on any forum that I post. Including the one I am a moderator on! .
I consider them extraordinary people. They "donate" their time and energy to keep this forum going well. They are sensitive and polite. It is fun even to have contradictory discussions with them. I really appreciate what they're doing here.
I have really enjoyed my time in discussion with the moderators here. I believe they are fantastic individuals. They seem to show a real enthusiasm for upholding the standards and activity within the community. I just do not know what more you could ask for from anyone.
*I am not including myself in these praises for I am a mere lonely board mod. B).
No one can call you a "mere" board mod. I think you have been doing a great job. The other mods that are still here, excluding my job are some of the best I have met. I have been able to see their moderation from a different view point and can tell you that no act of moderating is ever taken lightly or is done on a whim. We really have a good team here.
They are very much that way Arvhic, hence the reason we try to select only the Best of the Best to Moderate - in this way Moderators do not only do what you said above, but they become examples or icons for other Members to look up to. I hope that effect / aura is felt.
I don't like the choices. I haven't had much interaction with moderators (That I know of) - only one. I'm not counting JB 'cuz not sure if he counts. But the one moderator I know seems to be a GREAT person.
However, I have had strong disagreements with judgment calls made by moderators (But since the bots often "Take charge", not sure who that is).