Ammon is a large muscular man with gentle personality but he can be very harsh to anyone who mistreats others. His dark brown hair, dark eyes and pale skin make him indistinguishable in a crowd but his height doesn't. At 6'4" Ammon might make good practice for an archer looking for an enemy. Ammon likes working with people to accomplish good things but he knows there are times when he must go it alone like when he goes towards being a ruler of kings.
Advisor Description
Julliet came from an upperclass background so I didn't expect her to acknowledge my presence when I passed by her on the street. She came up to me, called me by name and explained that she was to be my advisor. She showed that all this was planned ahead of time by my mother. I was thoroughly amazed by my good fortune. It made me think about others I have met in the past that might be looking out for me and I didn't know it.
Message to Advisor
I did a year's work with the builders as a stone mason. This allowed me to gain some gold and do some training. While I am not where I want to be I am making some progress. Gold finishes fast so I am thinking about doing another year with the stonemasons to save up some of the gold for more training at the body guild. I have not made the finial decision yet because there are some drawbacks to that but when I decide I will let you know.
Reflections on your mother
My mother, a faithful woman I was told, did much for me that led up to this day. I wish I could have known more of her but my life past quickly and at the time I was too immature to know the difference. I am on my own now but not without her unseen presence. I cannot help but feel she is aiding me in some way that I cannot see right now but I know she is there. I hope to make her proud because I know she wanted me to become a Ruler of Kings!.
Reflections on your father
The last time I thought about my mother there was a lot to think about but with my father it is not the same. You see I hardly knew him. He almost seems a figment of my imagination but still I cannot deny I have a father. Others have told me he was a great warrior and likely died in battle. For me this is kind of a waste that he spent so much time fighting and yet could not spare a moment with his own child.
First time in the Town
When I first came to the town I did not know what to expect. I mean I have been here before but now that I was without home or family I felt like a rat in a big city. I was a bit intimidated by the layout… so many buildings, people and places to go and see but as I visited them one by one I got the feeling that I could understand the place and those in it.
Most beautiful lady of Ammon
While in the town I came across a woman of great beauty. I was amazed to see her in the town and wondered why I did not see her before. She had long platinum blond hair with cocoa brown eyes that seemed to have some sparkles of green in it. Her pale skin had a peach tone as though she had seen little sun. She was dressed simply but very elegant at the same time. Her footsteps were all with poise so she looked like if she was floating. I was taken away by her immense beauty that I hardly knew where I was or what I was doing. I'm sure I was probably open mouthed and looked like a fool but was so happy when she saluted me with her eyes and a smile.
Message to Advisor
Today I was asked to hand wrestle a guy who was clearly going to beat me so guess what I decided to learn? That's right hand wrestling. I've learned to put the strength of my opponent against himself but right now the odds are not in my favor so I continue to learn. Maybe in a few weeks I will have learned enough skill wise but I also need to develop my own strength.