Ammon the Acolyte - Page 4 of 5

The Politics of The Town The town has a particular - Page 4 - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 5th Sep, 2018 - 4:41pm

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29th Jul, 2018 - 5:39pm / Post ID: #

Ammon the Acolyte - Page 4

Message to Advisor

I've gotten some information for my next pursuit. It seems that Stefan has a job for me to do on the outskirts of the town but before I do that I need to build up my reliance in combat so I have taken up some training in some 'make me tougher' skills that should make me less weak in a fight. I will let you know what happens.

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30th Jul, 2018 - 8:54pm / Post ID: #

Acolyte Ammon

If gold were plentiful I would

If the amount of gold I had to spend was not limited I would invest it in a lot of learning and equipment. The more I know the better the choices I can make and the better the selection of equipment I can choose from so they work hand in hand. Of course this is all a dream as unlimited gold is not a reality for anyone.

2nd Aug, 2018 - 6:15pm / Post ID: #

Ammon the Acolyte Post Play & MMORPG RPG Text

Message to Advisor

I was on my way to the Palace to get involved in one of the humiliating burlesque activities with the hope of getting some pretty pebbles but unfortunately it is closed so I decided some training would be better than doing nothing. After I will get some rest and hopefully the Palace will be open. Hope all is well with you.

3rd Aug, 2018 - 4:24pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Acolyte Ammon

My conspiracy theory

I have no conspiracy theories about this place but about the unseen forces that are working against me. I think someone or something knows that I am supposed to be the ruler of kings and is hell bent on trying to stop me at every turn. I have not given up nor will I lose the faith and trust my mother has placed in me.

11th Aug, 2018 - 5:03am / Post ID: #

Acolyte Ammon

Understanding the hidden message in The Town

That was a curious thing to write about because I have been rather nave to the hidden message of this place. Perhaps I am not as aware as I should be because I am not stopping to digest the things around me. I will now need to place closer inspection on all my interactions and not allow my immaturity get the best of me.

25th Aug, 2018 - 4:46am / Post ID: #

Ammon the Acolyte

Strangest person in the Town

Stefan is a bit strange to me. I do not know if he is straight or gay or just being weird. I've heard rumors about him some of which I can hardly believe but I do want to prove for myself if they are as people say or they are just making up things in their head because they are somehow jealous of him.

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26th Aug, 2018 - 8:28pm / Post ID: #

Ammon Acolyte - Page 4

Thoughts on Lady Fluke

Lady Fluke is a very unusual person with thoughts on certain things that seem to be twisted. I am not one to judge so long as I do not end up dead because of her strange ideas. I am still trying to figure out what her pies are for. Maybe I will need to ask her that the next time I see her. Until then Lady Fluke remains someone to be figured out.

5th Sep, 2018 - 4:41pm / Post ID: #

Ammon Acolyte Text RPG MMORPG & Play Post - Page 4

The Politics of The Town

The town has a particular political flavor of its own. Everyone seems to know what is really happening but they disguise it by bring busy or worrying about trivial matters. The truth is the governor is intent on running the town as if it is his own little kingdom no matter what problems the people face. He needs to be removed and put out of office.

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