Meeting the townsfolk
The people are very eager to show what they can do and what they know but they are also eager to make some money off your head when they can. I have the feeling that if you had your last gold piece they would still try to take gold from you. Who can blame them I m also looking for gold to survive, get the skills I need without going hungry or homeless.
Message to Advisor
Julliet, you have not heard from me in awhile mostly because I was busy doing extra training. In fact I have taken relaxes and hand wrestling as my major courses in the hope of survival and better earnings.
Message to Advisor
Julliet, I was about to take up a challenge in the tavern when I realized I had not the skill for it and missed out on some possible fame and gold. So I am in training now for it. I just got a five minute break to tell you what I was doing and now I will head back. Good day.
Message to Advisor
I am in a ticklish spot. I do not have enough soul to train or get a job as a stone mason and at the same time I do not have enough pretty pebbles to boost my soul. I ended up going beneath myself by cleaning the outhouse of the tavern.
Finding a job
Finding a job has been difficult. I guess my chosen profession is not the most wanted and because of the unlucky state of my own soul no one wants to hire me. I will probably have to beat the gold out of some bad guys in order to get my ability to afford what I need.
Message to Advisor
Today I was surprised with my ability to win a challenge in the tavern. At first I was intimidated but now I realize that I had nothing to fear but fear itself. I am learning some more skills now, this has been the boost that I needed to become more focused.
Wish I could change this about myself
I definitely should change my soul, it has deteriorated over time to an embarrassing if not freakish level. I will have to do something about it but I am not exactly sure what I should do and herein lies the whole conundrum of my life at the moment.
Message to Advisor
I received your messages Juliet, yes, I know I have been delinquent in my responsibilities. I hope to gather my intellectual faculties this time and put it to good use. I have begun training in various disciplines at the moment. I will contact you again when I am finished.