Jack, stands 6 feet 4 inches tall with a skinny body. Jack has black hair with big green eyes. Jack has white skin and a rough appearance in general. Jack has chosen to heal people by first starting a trade in medicine. Jack views alliances as a necessary evil. Jack intends to do whatever it takes in order to become the next Ruler of Kings.
Advisor Description
Sam was born into the church. His father a thief and mother a prostitute, unable to provide for their son, the church graciously adopted Sam. Since, his mother and father have passed but he still feels knowing them was a blessing even though the church raised him. He has since vowed to make sure no one lives the lives his parents had chosen to lead. Sam takes time out of his busy days to feed the homeless and visit the local school to pray with the children and attempt to bring spirituality into their lives.
Most beautiful lady of Jack
I saw the most stunning woman today walking around the town. She was over 6 foot tall and just a hair shorter than I am. Long silky black hair and huge bosoms. She saw me, smiled, and winked right before turning around and walking away with the finest rear I have ever saw. I tried to catch up with her but lost her in the crowd. I hope to one day find her again. I will treat her right and buy her a proper feast. Not that she seems to be starving or anything.
I got attacked by so many rats and I had no idea what I was doing. Alas my body was eaten by the rats, all thats left now is my young weary bones. May I rest in peace with the gods. Had I known the path I was about to travel, I would have treaded more carefully. God be with me. And may you have better luck than I did on your adventures.