Elgin the Wanderer

Elgin Wanderer - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 14th Sep, 2017 - 2:17am

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14th Sep, 2017 - 1:04am / Post ID: #

Elgin the Wanderer

You think you know me? As of the last full moon, I stand 63 with an average build. My brown unkept hair is constantly getting in my eyes. My skin is tan from working in the sun from dusk till dawn and I have a rough appearance in general.
I grew up on a farm with my mother and father, tending to fathers sheep. Then began making charcoal for his forge to help make the fires hotter.
Everyone knows that ironwood makes the best charcoal, only it can no longer be easily found. I once ventured farther than my folks allowed into the Kings Forest and deep within I found a river and fought the current across to the other side. There just beyond the tree line I found ita magnificent ironwood tree. Its top rose above the surrounding oaks. I began to strike the mighty beast with my axe but found it quickly lost its edge.
After many return trips I finally dropped the tree and began dragging the branches back to my oven where a burned the ironwood and removed the charcoals.
When I stoked my fathers forge without telling him what I had done, the fires burned with an almost magical quality. He was so satisfied with the resulting steel he boasted about it to everyone. This lead to my career as a collier.
Exciting, right? I know. My constant wandering throughout the kingdom in search of the illusive ironwood has brought me much experience protecting myself and taught me many survival skills.
My mother and fathers death a year ago left me with the farm. I spent my days at home working in my forge. I may only be sixteen, but have made swords for local military and knights as well.
Now I just have to keep the location of the ironwoods a secret.

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14th Sep, 2017 - 2:17am / Post ID: #

Wanderer Elgin

Reflections on your mother

Reflections on my Mother

Beautiful is how I would describe her. Her dark hair and hazel eyes. My first memory of her was at the beach. I was very young and got too close to the waters edge. The tide pushed forward around my feet and I was being pulled under the surface. I could see the shimmers of light breaking through the top of the water as I slid on my back, deeper and deeper.

Suddenly, a woman's face appeared above the water and she grabbed me up. I was fine, but that look on her face was not the only time I would see it. I know that she loved me though I didn't hear it enough.

> TOPIC: Elgin the Wanderer


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