Olmann, stands 6'1" tall. He is of a strong but not particularly defined physique. Olmann sports a strawberry blonde mullet and large luxurious handlebar mustache. Olmann has thin golden eyes and pale skin. Generally Olmann has a peculiar appearance, with his prominent aquiline nose taking center stage on his rigid face.
Olmann plans to achieve great fame and wealth by starting up a trade in con-artistry. Olmann regards all alliances as temporary exploitable arrangement. Olmann plans on deceiving and cajoling his way into become the next Ruler of Kings.
One should also take note that Olmann "the cursed" has an exceptionally hairy body.
Advisor Description
Where to begin… I suppose you could say that Jamie is an old pal of mine from back in my darkest of days, when I was a regular patron of the tavern, whats the word I'm looking for… Ah! a "Drunkard". She was there when I had my first sip of the hard stuff after all. Out meeting was an extraordinary affair with much laughter and flirtations, of course the flirting was out of mere habit, it is well known that I only have ardor for the wives of other men. Anyhow, we got along famously but it wasn't until I witnessed her swindle a guardsman out of his sword in exchange for one her sandals.
After a relatively short honeymoon period we became thick as thieves, quite literally. I no longer came to the tavern for the sole purpose of drowning out my miseries, but to commit my two favorite acts, swindling and cajoling! With her access to the town gossip and excellent wit combined with my many talents and dashing appearance we were unstoppable, a force of nature you might say. I know that she will be critical in my rise to wealth and fame, however, nothing lasts forever and I am more than aware that she sees our relationship as a platform from which to raise herself above the muck, though it matters not so long as she fulfills her purpose.
Jamie has been of great advantage to me, letting me practice my barber skills on her untamed locks of hair and helping me to maintain my glorious mustache, the shining glory of all the lands. She was even there when my beloved pet cat Rolly-Pengu I passed away, wiping a way my tears with her beer sodden garment. Though it could be said that she was a catalyst to my rampant alcoholism, she certainly never turned away the coin when I begged her for another round.
The more time we've spent together, the more she seems to understand me and my aspirations… she no longer looks at me with curiosity and adoration, but with suspicion. Just as I see through her, I suspect she see's through me… aware of the undeniable fact that the moment she loses worth to me, is the moment our "partnership" falls apart. But for now our alliance holds and we can both rest assured that we still need one another for the foreseeable future.