Jason, stands 5.11 inches tall with a skinny body. Jason has black hair with dull black eyes that feel like you he can see you soul, Jason has white skin and a gothic appearance in general. Jason has chosen to be come a god by any means by first starting a trade in wood working. Jason views alliances as a way to get a head but to him they are all beneath him. Jason intends to do kill and steal to get the power he needs even make deals with God's and devils in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. Jason is a evil, selfish and will always do what's best for him self and no others unless there in his interests.
Advisor Description
Jason knew he was being watched he could feel the eyes on him every where he went as he walked down a alley way in the dead of night he slipped down a side alley and peaked at dark shadow Jason respected the way he moved as the stranger rounded the bend Jason tripped him and help his dagger to his neck. "Name and why are you following me Jason asked with hostile intent
"Adams the name, I've been watching you I want to help you become more then you can be." Jason didn't trust this man but he admired to self he needed help untill he had the strength to do it all on his own.
Jason helped the strange man up what Jason didn't see was the evil smile on Adams face.
Reflections on your mother
My mother was kind and sweet, she was driven to make me a ruler, I shall make proud and when I become a god I shall save her because she is the only good thing in this world. My first memory of my mother was teaching me to read she had such a way with words they almost seemed to float of the page the way she would speak I always wondered about that.
Relation Description
Amy is 4.8 foot she has sparkling blue eyes and firery red hair, she moves as if everyone is watching her she has a hour glass figure and beautiful smile that pulls men in, she wears a white dress that fits tightly against her curves and blue flower in her hair that seems to glow. Her personality is close to Jason's she gets what she wants by any means necessary.