Was Iraq An Immediate Threat?
Does Rumsfield have a foot in his mouth in this clip?
Note: There is already a Thread about the Iraq War, this thread is about the clip alone.
Don't take me wrong folks, but I laughed so much with this video. I was shocked that Rumsfied would ask for quotes about it ! And when the guy gave the quotes, the expression on Rumsfield's face was almost like "Oh boy, why did I ask that?"
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Rumsfeld continues to this day, much like most die hard republicans, to continue to perpetrate that Iraq was some how a threat. To see him get caught trying to say he never said Iraq was an imminent threat is hilarious! I am so glad he is out of the White House, away from W's listening ear. He now realizes that Iraq was never an imminent threat to the US, but fails to realize that we have video cameras, news papers, and the internet! Clip of the year in my opinion!
The Way of the World: Ron Suskind on How the Bush Admin Deliberately Faked an Iraq-al-Qaeda Connection and Undermined Diplomacy, Democracy in Pakistan and Iran
The Senate Select Committee on Intelligence and the House Judiciary Committee say they will review allegations the White House ordered the CIA to forge and disseminate false intelligence documents linking al-Qaeda and Iraq. The revelation is among several in Pulitzer Prize-winning author Ron Suskind's explosive new book, The Way of the World: A Story of Truth and Hope in an Age of Extremism. Suskind joins us for the hour to talk about the letter controversy and the thin denials that have followed its disclosure. He also reveals details of his lengthy conversations with the late Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto and her frustrations with the Bush administration in the months before her assassination and discloses the previously unknown case of an interrogation "cell" beneath the White House.
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