Analysis: Trump's approach to sports breaks with long bipartisan tradition. Previous presidents have recognized championship sports teams as a way to unify the country around ideals of excellence, persistence and teamwork. Source 6d
Follow on from: Colin Kaepernick
I'm not exactly sure it's as divisive or as bad to break this tradition as the author here makes out. After all, about two thirds of the population agree with President Trump that these pampered millionaire football stars who think they are entitled to special privileges should not take a knee during the playing of the Star Spangled Banner. I am firmly in that camp. Maybe it's time someone took on all of these entitled groups and stopped the PC crap that inflicts our society and especially our media and our campuses where our young people learn.
All I can say to the sports and the president is that this politicizing of this take a knee thing needs to stop. The president of this fine nation needs to stay out of this controversy. The people of the nation can make a decision on what they will or will not do to correct this behavior. The government needs to stay out of it period. Just my thought on this.
I don't like some of what he said… or perhaps a better way to say it is how phrased some of what he said. But I agree with him this tie. I 100% agree that the president has it right and these entitled crybabies need to stop it with this taking a knee crap during the National Anthem. I'm glad he said it. They started it by politicizing sports with taking a knee. There are so many other avenues open to them to protest did they really have to disrespect the flag, the anthem, and the country that gave them so much?
Who’s Divisive — the President or the Players? Because the left dominates the news media, the entertainment media and academia, Americans are swimming — actually, drowning — in an ocean of lies. Here are a few examples: America is racist. America oppresses its minorities. America oppresses women. Universities have a culture of… Source 3h.
Prayer and I sometimes agree and sometimes disagree. On this issue we agree. And he is right, President Trump walked into it by calling the players who kneel SOBs. Had he expressed it differently he'd have still been vilified but more Americans would be on his side in this.