Why I Follow Judaism

Why Follow Judaism - Studies of Judaism - Posted: 13th Oct, 2017 - 4:07am

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For Jews who wish to profess their beliefs about Judaism.
Post Date: 20th Aug, 2012 - 7:57pm / Post ID: #

Why I Follow Judaism


If you follow Judaism then you can share your beliefs about it here including how long you have been actively studying the religion.

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14th Jan, 2014 - 12:20am / Post ID: #

Judaism Follow Why

I no longer follow the rules and regulations of the Jewish religion but I still enjoy the chicken soup and the food. To me the Jewish God is the collective soul of the Jewish people. It is a small tribal God but a very intense God. Each tribe has their own God. The Holocaust was a battle between the German tribal God and the Jewish tribal God. The Jews lost the battle but reincarnated unto the Jewish new Earth as per Isaiah in the cosmic reincarnation process.

14th Jan, 2014 - 4:04pm / Post ID: #

Why I Follow Judaism Judaism Studies

international QUOTE
I no longer follow the rules and regulations of the Jewish religion but I still enjoy the chicken soup and the food.

I do not understand your message, are you being sarcastic? This topic is about following Judaism so if you do not follow the rules of the religion you think by eating the traditional foods makes you a follower?

14th Jan, 2014 - 5:17pm / Post ID: #

Judaism Follow Why

Not sarcastic. To eat the foods of my youth keeps me in touch with a part of the religion. It makes me a Jew of the heart but not of the mind. However I believe what Isaiah preached in that the new Earth exists and the Jews partake in the cosmic reincarnation process. However so do all the other peoples in the world as God has provided many new Earths for all of mankind.

Post Date: 10th Feb, 2014 - 2:18pm / Post ID: #

Judaism Follow Why

Name: Uriah

Comments: Good question. Looking back over the years I believe I just followed what I've been thought since a child. You expect that your parents, leaders and friends are all guiding you towards something good so you follow along. Now, I still follow but not as consistent as I was when living under my parents' home.

23rd Jan, 2015 - 9:06pm / Post ID: #

Why I Follow Judaism

I just finished my latest manuscript "Cosmic reincarnation". It gave me a greater appreciation for Judaism. I have audio/visual dreams and spiritual experiences which I have studied for the last 33 years. At 76 years things are getting clearer.
Most of the religions of man are reincarnation religions. They do not provide a pathway to the New Earth of Isaiah. Judaism and extended Judaism Christianity does. Christianity is an extension of Judaism because Christians study the Torah. This assists them in becoming Jews in spirit.This in turn permits some of them to achieve the Jewish New Earth.

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Post Date: 16th Feb, 2015 - 8:25pm / Post ID: #

Why Follow Judaism

Name: Malech

Comments: So many have tried from the beginning to rid this earth of Jews. They have failed each time and we have always risen stronger - I am proud to be from a heritage that is rich in the blessings of the mighty one. I am proud to be a Jew.

Post Date: 13th Oct, 2017 - 4:07am / Post ID: #

Why I Follow Judaism
A Friend

Why Follow Judaism Studies Judaism

I was an agnostic for most of my life, and researched many of the major religious systems by way of finding those who believed in that system and having friendly conversations (At length) over many days, weeks or months, as they allowed. It wasn't until I met my wife, however, that I encountered a Jew. After we were married, I researched this religion with the aid of a Rabbi who was also a PhD in physics, and ended up converting a few years later. While I don't proselytize, I am an avid supporter of Judaism and Israel, and try to intelligently, factually and dispassionately discuss all the aspects I've learned of all religions, over the years. The root thing that Judaism emphasizes over ALL the rules and commandments is your personal health. When it comes to anything in the Torah - be it eating pork, working on Shabbat, not fasting, etc. - all of them take second place to keeping yourself healthy and taking whatever medicine you require to live. As an evolving religion, it also changes the commandments and rules as our society progresses, taking into account new technologies and discoveries and incorporating them - usually with hundreds of rabbis spending many hours - into the Jewish religion. The other take-away I've found with Judaism is this - judge people by what they do, not what they say they do. Deeds count for far more in Judaism than thoughts.
Something else to hopefully enlighten - Jews are called God's Chosen People not because they are smarter, nobler or superior to others in any way - they are Chosen to set the right example, much like any leader is supposed to do. They don't expect the whole world to be Jewish, but they are chosen to show that being a good person is a good thing for everyone. Being human, some do fail.

Reconcile Edited: Gknightbc on 13th Oct, 2017 - 4:08am

> TOPIC: Why I Follow Judaism


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