I am not one for country music but while driving one day I heard this song: "Tim McGraw - Humble And Kind" and was so moved by it I felt like it was an epiphany. In a day and age where all the music is about money and naked women it is downright about time someone tell us that we need to be humble and kind.
It is indeed a beautiful song. I am quite sure most people would listen to it and yet see it as an "Idealistic" song.
We live in strange times. A time where kindness is seeing as weakness and humility as a sign of stupidity. So instead of people trying to be inspired by those who are kind, they are the focus of ridicule.
Thank goodness, not everyone is like that and there are people who can understand that if we truly want to make a difference in the world, we need to start with ourselves. Cliche? Yes, but it is true. I refuse to let anyone tell me that I cannot make a difference.
I love this song. It is a message that needs to be heard today. He and Faith have another song with a very much needed message," Speak to a girl", about having respect for women. The entertainment world for the most part is not sending those same messages these days.