Hello everyone, I'm joining to Role-playing Game and have some extra fun now and then. I will be bed ridden and on the computer quite a bit for a few months so I figure, why not learn another game. I played Dungeons & Dragons one time a few years ago in my mid twenties and to my surprise it was a lot of fun. I never grew up around it, different social cliche really. I do like to joke around a lot. In the first game it was very comical but we still followed all the rules of the game. Hope to see you guys around.
Welcome Dungeons & Dragons Role-Player
Welcome fearless Adventurer! We bid thee greetings and we're glorified by thy declaration to be part and parcel of good adventuring. Ensure ye follow our RPG Etiquette so ye remain in good relations with the local elders.
For thy knowledge all Dungeons & Dragons Role-playing Games are kept here: [+] Dungeons & Dragons / Pathfinder Board. To learn the 1-2-3 steps for Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go straight to the Dungeons & Dragons Start Guide where a sage has posted steps to follow.
Don't worry young master, there is also another Thread for thy consideration: . Yet, if ye still be havin' questions do ask here, thy Introduction Thread, and someone will address thee.