Jon, stands 5 feet and 11 inches tall with a toned and muscular body. Jon has grey hair with medium sized green eyes. Jon has pale skin with a handsome and rough appearance in general. Jon has chosen to gain as much money as possible by first starting a trade in being a killer for hire or an assassin. Jon views alliances as unnecessary unless there is no other choice. Jon intends to buy his way up the social ladder by killing for money in order to become the next Ruler of Kings. Jon once valued order and justice ,but now sees it isn't enough to get by in life and to accomplish his goals.
Advisor Description
Jon met Sarah on his way to the tavern at dusk. She was disguised wearing a hooded cloak to not draw suspicion to herself from Jon or the townsfolk since she was nobility. Their meeting was strange at first, but they began to warm up to each other. Jon thought she was she was fun to hang out with especially with her sarcasm. They seem to be heading in great relationship that could benefit the both of them. Sarah hopes that Jon will be a good investment that will benefit the both of them.