With the victors of war so comes strife for some people. The addition to the new country of Israel in the area of Palestine was something that was coming one way or another. The Balfour Declaration was the leading factor in establishing the country of Israel. I think if things had gone different Israel would not have come about til much later. A lot of things had to happen in a set way for us to have Israel and now that it is here we wait and see what will happen next.
The constant attempts at rewriting history to suit the Arab agenda is one of the root causes for the continuous attempts to destroy Israel - both through legal means and violent means. The propaganda machine that is AlJazerra never ceases in it's blatant bias and bigotry against the Jews and their legally created and amazingly transformed homeland. In the beginning, the land that was purchased by the Jews was barren and swampland, unusable yet sold to them for 5x market costs by Arab landowners. Somehow, these legal transactions no longer are valid, according the the Arabs who are now called 'Palestinians'. Edited: Gknightbc on 19th Mar, 2018 - 6:11pm