Greetings! The reason for me to join here, as stated during registration, is to access RoK2, and the reason for wanting to access that is, primarily, curiousity mixed with love of fantasy-themed books and games. My gaming experience has been mainly on muds, or IFs, plus several play-by-chat Role-playing Games. As for reading, I've always loved it, whatever gender, whatever style, given it is well-written and interesting is worth reading. That said, English is not my main language, so reading and writing is also an useful tool to get better at it. I've never been good at introducing myself, so I hope that's enough informations, if needed I'll of course add what needs to be added! Thanks in advance for reading!
Welcome to Ruler of Kings 2(ROK II)
Thou has attained Membership for the best Text Role-playing Game ever! To begin thy quest seeketh this place: ROK II Role-playing Game Start.
If ye be needing additional Role-playing Games with which to broaden thy reach then thou mayest read: How To Find The Role-playing Game That Fits Me? where you can play Dungeons & Dragons with other Players.
If thou art lost or have a question about some feature of this most honorable place then thou mayest ask here, thy Introduction.