Less but more frequent exercise best to reduce weight? Study provides a clue. Low magnitude, high frequency mechanical stimulation (LMMS) reduces adipose (Fat) tissue and thus may be a method of reducing weight and health risks such as diabetes. A new study takes this concept to another level. Source 5b.
From what I know you need around 30 minutes a day where your heart rate is above 120 but at the same time that 30 minutes does not have to be at the same time. You could do 15 now and 15 later as an example.
Different kinds of exercise have different effects on different individuals. The best thing is to try anything that helps keep your heart rate up for a few minutes, even fast walks, and judge the results. Some burst athletics can have a dramatic early short term effect, but your body will rebound and you end up back where you started. Long term, regular exercise is always best. I’ve found that I get bored easily with typical exercise, so I choose martial arts, as I’m learning skills at the same time as working out. Again, Your Mileage May Vary. Edited: Gknightbc on 1st Nov, 2017 - 6:21pm