Yilaina the Princess

Yilaina Princess - Text RPG, MMORPG, Play By Post - Posted: 6th Nov, 2017 - 2:56am

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Post Date: 6th Nov, 2017 - 2:35am / Post ID: #

Yilaina the Princess
A Friend

Yilaina the Princess

I am Yilaina Larosa and I am a princess. I am a woman with lush red curls which fall to my waist when unbound, sparkling green eyes and a heart-shaped face with full lips. I am slim, though not fat and athletically built with muscled arms and legs. My name came from my Father, and my Mother said I was destined for good and evil through the stars. My goals are to attempt to form alliances, make friends, and try my best to rule the kingdom as I am fit. I am no queen, not yet, but perhaps I hope to be one day. I am still so naive to the world. I am a woman who can fight, however. I never stopped to think that I would not be a fighter, and my hands have calloused unlike those other noblewomen. I follow the path of the fighter, naturally, but I am also scholarly. I do not know which strategies I shall follow to rule your kingdom, but perhaps I can figure out as I go along. I am not a stupid woman, but so very young.

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Post Date: 6th Nov, 2017 - 2:56am / Post ID: #

Yilaina the Princess
A Friend

Princess Yilaina

Advisor Description

As I walked along the street, I felt eyes on me. I had been feeling them for quite sometime, but not knowing the source, I had thought they were just part of my imagination, until she stepped out of an alley. A woman with long red hair like mine and blue eyes came into view. She had the high cheekbones of a well-bred woman with the slim build of a dancer. I stopped and stared at her for a moment and then she put out her hand to me. "Yilaina," she said in a soft gentle tone, "I am Elesara, your step sister." I blinked, unaware I had a step sister, though I hid my surprise well. "Excuse me, you're my what?" I asked as I stared at her. Elesara's clothing was fine, much like mine, though instead of a pretty gown she wore a set of breeches and a man's shirt tied with laces. We spoke for some time at length. Apparently, my Father had married before my Mother and had left his wife to be with her, thus allowing me to have a step sister. It was all so confusing that I listened without really listening, trying to work out how I never knew of this woman. What does she want from me, I thought. Does she wish me to give her what I have? Is she using me for something? I will have to ask her later. At least the meeting went well. She is staying with me in the inn I am currently using as a home base of sorts.

> TOPIC: Yilaina the Princess


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